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  1. Hello Philip, I've bought a 1.6 2011 tourer just now so wishing the two of us lots of good motoring. I do all my own servicing and have replaced pretty much all the servicables. my main gripe is No Coffee Cup Holder! Terrible! regs, G.
  2. Thank you for the welcomes! ok so the display issue is sorted. you select fuel consumption as L/100km and Ker-Zang! all units change to metric.
  3. Greetings all, I have just picked up my 2011 C5 VTR+ This is my first Citroen. Just driven a few miles so far and I'm very pleased. The car is telling me to top-up the 'liquid gold' dpf juice. I will get someone to do that as I don't have a diagnostic unit. I imported the car from the UK. I am hoping the 'miles' displays can be changed to 'km' I will stick up a new thread in the correct forum. Regards, Gregorius.
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