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  1. I have a lot of noise when moving the steering wheel at slow speed. I have had this before with just 25,000 miles on the clock when the suspension strut mountings had to be changed. This was done at Citroen's expense. At 50,000 miles they need changing again and the local dealer has declined to pay. Does anyone have experience of doing this? The local Citroen dealer wants close to £ 400 to carry out this work. It is very disappointing that Citroen has come up with no improved spare part to fix this problem. Can any sort of group/owner action be taken to encourage Citroen to fix this?
  2. The resistor ( in reality a temperature sensitive fuse) is in the connector that brings power to the blower unit. This is located on the passenger side behind the glove box and very tedious it is to get to. I finished up taking out the front seat for more comfortable access! The fuse is spot welded in place. I managed to crimp a new one in place which I bought from Maplins for a couple of pounds.
  3. Does anyone know where the blower control until is located? Mine only works on setting 4 so I guess the so called blower resistor is broken? Any suggestions appreciated! Frank
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