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  1. Thanks for the help :) running much better now after a service, or would' be if immobiliser hadn't kicked in when the battery got changed :( no joy! Lol
  2. Ok so vans last problem sorted so far I have fixed Strut top mount and bearings, cv joint, given it a good service ( which was BADLY needed!) I took near 7 litres oil out when it should only have 5.3l ( according to handbook) So my questions are this Does anyone know where the fuse box is? Cig lighter ain't working lol Any idea on prices or ability to change clutch & flywheel? And has anyone come up with a solution to condensation on the roof? I have a wee plug I. Heater in the back ATM, seems to help And finally anyone know a good place to get new door seals? Thanks! Bryan
  3. Ok I have up as it was getting pretty bad Turned out it was the cv joint... Got it changed out and voila, I have brakes again :)
  4. So I got myself a van, pretty solid, run well, high miles but that's to be expected really overall in good shape However I started having problems with the brakes..... What's happening? Well The brake pedal goes solid, like there is a lot of pressure ( something like if you pump the pedal when it's not running and it goes hard), and the brakes won't work without really having to shove the pedal down. When this happens there is also a hell of a grinding noise, brakes work again with a good shove, but this can go on for about 5 mins before going back to normal. This has started to affect the other pedals too, as now they vibrate when setting off in 1st & 2nd, all the pedals vibrate at a certain point and there is a sort of grinding spinning noise coming from where I think the servo is behind the dash Usually only happens when vans been parked up for a few days as it's realy only used at weekends for my mobile disco It's a pretty serious problem, and I could really use some help diagnosing! Been advised it could be the servo, servo seals, slave cylinder or the Fkn and pump, it's a strange problem! And any help would be greatly appreciated! Van is a 2005 relay MWB high top, 2.0l hdi engine with most of the service history an good mots, got van in November with a years test got 180.000 ish on the clock. Any ideas?? Apart from scrap it..... Can't really afford that! Thanks!
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