Hi guys, first of all this is my first post in this forum, and as you can guess it's not for the best reasons, but thanks in advance if someone can give me some hints on what is happening with my car. I have a 2001 Xsara 1.4i Break. So it all started when I was driving normally and suddenly the engine would just die on me, the first times it happened it started fine, but one time I tried to start it, the engine turned over but nothing. That would be always the issue that lead me to an electrician, which already happened two times. So, the tank had petrol and it did detect it while the ignition was in the position II but if I tried to start it, the petrol needle would dip as if it had none. I replaced the battery, thinking that might be the issue. So I took it to a car electrician and he said it was the crash sensor that was acting up and it needed to be replaced. He also checked the petrol pump and it was working fine. So he replaced that sensor and the car was running fine, but it never again started after the first turn over, it just took almost 3 or 4 turn overs for it to fire. Some time after, the car started to show the same symptoms. So I went to the electrician again and after a week he said it was the wire plug from the ECU that was oxidized so he cleaned it and car was running again. But again, the engine wouldn't start immediately like it would before all this mess, it needed to turn over more than 3 times. Some days ago it started to die down again while I was driving, one time it did even show the check engine light and showed a message related to engine failure. I tried to start it and it made a grinding noise. But after a couple minutes waiting, I turned the key and it fired up. A week after it would die at least a time a week while I was driving, no matter the situation but it would start again. So yesterday, I was going out and the car just refused to start. The engine would turn over but it wouldn't fire, the needle showed half tank while in position II, but if I tried to start it the needle would just plunge. The second time this happened, the electrician checked the coils and they were working, even though before all this happening there wasn't any electricity passing by so the spark plugs wouldn't do anything. So it must be an electrical issue, I guess. As it is the third time this happens I'm going to an official shop to see if they can sort it out via check-up but I'd love to know if someone could actually give me any pointers related to this issue. Thanks!