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Everything posted by carl13671

  1. Thanks for the reply, I was a bit surprised when I saw the bolt heads,i can usually get most things undone but was alittle pi55ed when I had to put my wheel back on after being defeated. looks like I will be looking for a big blob of blue tac or similar to get a print. Might call at Citroen first and see what they have to say. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hello, I have been looking at adjusting my handbrake starting at the shoes. I can get the caliper off and pads out but I haven't got anything that fits the caliper hanger bolts to get the discs off,it looks like a large female torx type head. Its a 2008 Relay. Thanks for any help in advance. Carl
  3. Thanks mate. Ill update when ive done it letting all know what I have broke and how many fingers ive lost. Cheers
  4. Thanks Paul, I use this when Info when I do it,thanks again mate. Its a 120 bhp pal.
  5. Just realised it has 3 bolts holding the pulley on. Should make things a bit easier to remove.
  6. Thanks for your reply john, Yeah I figured it would be a pain getting the centre bolt out. I'm planning on putting it in gear and swinging on the sucker. I was more worried about getting the pulley off and belts without the use of special tools. Has anybody actually done this job at home without the need of special tools?? Thanks again
  7. Hello all, Ive recently started to hear a knocking noise a few minutes after starting from cold that I think also is causing a whistling noise when driving. I removed the wheel arch cover today and stuck my head in trying to find this noise and it seems to be the crank pulley. How easy a job is it to do,,home or garage? Im hoping to do it myself to eliminate this before I start looking at the p/s pump or alternator. Will I need stretch belt kits and pulley pullers etc? Thanks for any help.
  8. UPDATE All went well, I was surprised how easy it was,the hardest bit was disconnecting the pipes. I took the whole housing off the bulkhead and twisted it and it was only hand tight. Filter has a hole in the side and the fluff was poking through. The cutting out problem I originally had has now stopped. Result :) :)
  9. Nice 1 Cheers paul h, Im going to give it ago this weekend,hope all goes well
  10. Hello all, Im thinking of changing my fuel filter,,is there anything I should know? Ive been advised to remove the complete housing off the bulkhead as they can be tight to undo. Any advice appreciated
  11. I'm on with it now john, I found the breather under some hoses on the very top of the gearbox Bit of a pain in the butt though,I've got to inject 60ml of oil at a time through an enema syringe with a bit of tubing on it lol. Thanks for your help mate Carl
  12. Thanks for that John, No wonder I couldn't find it!! So this breather on the top of the gearbox is it easy to locate? I didn't look much around the top of the box for the filler but I know there isn't much room around there. Do I need to remove the air filter box? Thanks again Carl
  13. Hello,hope you are all well. Not been on here as thing have been running well. Today I replaced the bottom balljoint and in my haste the driveshaft popped out and a fair bit of gearbox oil was lost which didn't really concern me until I looked where to put in back in. I cant for the life of me find the filler plug on the gearbox to put the oil back in. I can find the drain,its there staring at me when I remove the passenger side wheel but no filler hole. Can somebody help me with this,or a gearbox photo if anybody has one would be great. Thanks Carl
  14. **UPDATE** I had a quick look at the rear brakes but there appears to be no sensor wire going through the back plate (think you were right paul h). Today I have checked the fluid sensor by removing the plug and then connecting both wire together.Did nothing I have taken the footwell plastic off and followed the handbrake wire as far back as I can and retaped it just incase it was touching anywhere.Found nothing. I have followed the nearside brake pad wear sensor wire as far as I could until it disappeared in to the loom under the fuse box on the nearside wing.Found no touching earth. Nothing seems to be knocking off the light. I currently have the van sat on the drive with the battery disconnected in the hope this may reset something. The only thing I can think of to try next is paying for a diagnostic tool test to see if this finds anything even though 3 mechanics have said this wont effect the light that is showing. Even looked at removing the bulb until I found it has no bulb but a LED that is fixed to the board. Im running out of ideas,has anybody else had this problem or got any more ideas to try?? Carl
  15. Cheers bud,ill give it a go tomorrow. Ill get back to you
  16. Cheers Paul, Do the rear pads have wear sensors on them? So if I unplug the brake fluid sensor and connect both wires in the plug will this test it or do I earth the wire to see if its the level sensor? The handbrake switch seems to work as it beeps when applied whilst driving,im presuming this is working ok.
  17. Hello,hope you are all well, Ive recently had the brake warning light appear on my dash. Its the one that comes on with the handbrake or brakefluid but both of these are ok.The brake fluid is full and the handbrake is releasing fully. Tonight I have replaced the front pads with pads that has the wear indicator on them to eliminate if it was the sensor that has put it on. Ive yet to check the rear pads but im thinking the rear doesn't have a wear indicator on them?? Has anybody come across this or know how to knock it off/reset it.Im not sure if it will need reseting with a diagnostic tool as im not very familiar with the Citroen electrics and there isn't much about them on the net. Any help appreciated,thanks in advance Carl
  18. Cheers Paul, I've managed to get it all wired up today, for some reason only the front indicators work but I can live with that, for the interior light I found the wire in the light then found it again where it comes out of the fuse board. Indicators were pink and pink and black with white being the interior light Thanks for your help mate
  19. Hello, Been bought a Toad alarm for my van and im having problems with the wiring. Im only wanting to connect the basics for interior protection and so far have done the siren and interior sensors,led,valet button and temporarly connected to live and earth on the battery and all is good. Im currently trying to find live wires for the indicators and interior light.I have a 12v test light the type that spikes the wire but when connected to earth on the battery and stuck in any wires I find no indication. Am I right in thinking I connect the tester to + on the battery and then spike the wire,efectively finding a switching earth? Could any members give me any pointers or better still anybody who has experience in alarms who might know the correct wire colours I need to connect to get back to me,as I have very little experience with these new wiring systems. Happy Christmas.
  20. Thanks paul.h Yeah ive noticed about the amount of relay owners,, there doesn't seem to be much info anywhere. My first questions are going in technical,ive got a few electrical questions. Don't expect many answers though,not through lack of members but the ones that are on are probably drunk.
  21. Firstly can I say Happy Christmas to all. Ive been a regular visitor as a guest reading with interest about Citroen Relays. Ive got a few questions I need to ask so ive joined your clan. Hope to get to know a few members and share info with other members etc,, But for now just saying Hi and Happy Christmas and stay safe
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