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Everything posted by Farmerpug

  1. Thanks for the welcome The shed is an old mushroom house im renting it off an uncle, its a bit different as a garage but there is plenty of space and its dry inside, these are two 305es: http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac289/406executiveHDI/305/IMG_9583_zps84b4a8d3.jpg
  2. Here is the odd noise the rear passenger door was making: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCygeJF670Y&feature=youtu.be Its still making this noise, and ive tried 3 different mechanisms, it only makes the nosie when the remote is sending the signal
  3. The rear passneger door motor did make a more strained noise, but i have removed them and changed it for one from a scrap car, ill need to check the drivers door, i never really thought it was an issue, especially as i went round disconnecting each door loom and the problem remained. I might plug lexia back in and see if it can do any paramater measurements to see if anything looks odd.
  4. Hello I am having an unusaul problem with my Xsara I recently fixed the dodgy door grommet wires, someone was in before me and the work was quite bad, but the wires have been properly repaired, it got the drivers door window working again, and i have inspected the wires fully to ensure there are no cracks left. There was also a problem with the front passenger door, it closed mechanically speaking, but the instrument cluster and MFD kept showing it as being open, and it would intermittently change when the door was pushed or while driving along, i changed the part with one from a scrap car and it now registers as closed. But the remote central locking is still giving problems, i put a battery in the key, the key will unlock the car and make the lights flash, and it will unlock the boot. But it does not lock the car, when i press lock on the remote the car tries to lock, then instantly unlocks again, if i physically put the key into the door and lock it the doors centrally lock ok, and unlock, and if i sit in the drivers seat and lock the door, all 4 doors lock ok. But i cant get the doors to lock remotely from the key, they unlock remotely, this video i made shows the problem: I have also tried to unplug each door loom at the connector going to the doors, first i tried unplugging one door at a time with the other 3 connected, working round all 4 doors with this technique, then i tried disconnecting all but one door and did that with all doors, but regardless of what way its done i still have the doors trying to lock, then unlock straight away.
  5. Hello, i recently got a 2001 Citroen Xsara 2.0 HDi, ive bought it for my mum, i am a bit of a Peugeot fanatic ive got 3 305's and a 406 daily driver, and have owned a bundle of other pugs in the past, i bought the Xsara because i know the Dw10 engine is a good dependable engine capable of well over 250,000 miles without any major problems, this is the xsara: http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac289/406executiveHDI/citroen%20xsara/DSC06903_zps2f1c8d44.jpg http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac289/406executiveHDI/citroen%20xsara/DSC06904_zps3ef595bf.jpg So far ive fixed most of the niggles; blower motor, electric window, glove box lid, broken air vents, non functioning steering wheel controls, and retrofitted a trip computer and CD player. One niggle still remains with the central locking but ill go to the xsara thread to discuss that.
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