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  1. Sorry, reading my post back, I don't think I was being clear there, The wireless remote locking has never worked since I've had the car, but normally all the door locks as soon as I turn the key, but just out of the blue, it's all stopped, and I have to manually lock & unlock each door (can't see a way to manually lock the boot though), Is it possible it's to do with the battery in the key, or a fuse of some kind?
  2. Just today on my (fairly new to me) 2003 Xsara (saloon 1.4 petol version) I went to lock the car, and the got nothing from the central locking at all, just out of the blue, Still locks manually OK (apart from the boot) but I was quietly hoping it might be something simple like a fuse? I see there are a few Central locking questions answered, but I couldn't see one that exactly applies, Any advice much appreciated, thanks,
  3. Sorry for my delay in replying, internet's been out for a few weeks, thanks for all your help an advice, never realised the parts were so cheap! I have the correct anti-freeze, so hopefully a job to do soon, All the best, Ioan,
  4. - the water in the radiator expansion tanks is very red & rusty - I took it from other discussions that the heater matrix fluid is the same fluid (and connected) to the radiator system? Is this wrong? Flushing the system sounds like good advice, there is a lot of rubbish in water, come to look at it, That was a very helpful reply before, thanks,
  5. Got a 2003 Xsara saloon 1.4 a couple of months back, and it's generally been very good, nice drive, incredibly quiet, and not half bad fuel consumption for quite a big petrol car, One problem that has turned up recently is a leak in the passenger side footwell of some red rusty water, From your very helpful forum, it seems that it's likely to be the heat exchanger with a pin hole leak (it isn't a big leak) and I was recommended to use Forte Stopleak (rather than Radweld and the like) The mystery is, no where on the Forte site, nor the bottle itself or online can I find any instructions how to use this stuff correctly, but lots of statements saying to make sure it's used 'as instructed'! Any advice on how to use this Forte Stopleak? Thanks, All the best, Ioan,
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