Can anyone assist my car is a 51 plate 2.0 xsara 5 door hatch HDI SX turdo diesel, I need the procedure to reinitialize the key remote control after a new battery has been fitted, and I also have a problem with the alarm if I lock it with the remote the alarm will almost certainly go off at some point after leaving the car, if it is locked by the key in the door this problem does not occur. The only pointers I can give are I have had a picture of what seems to be the bonnet open displaying on the dash display I was wondering if there is a switch on the bonnet that may be linked to the alarm system and that it could be a loose connection here or something else to do with the switch???? just strange that i have no problem with the alarm when I lock it manually with the key and it still and it still activates the alarm and immobilizer??? any help greatly appreciated thanks Lauro.