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Aussie C5 Driver

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Everything posted by Aussie C5 Driver

  1. Hi spoke with the guy who gave me the tip and he said that as long as their is the 8mm hole drilled into the welsh plug no impact on the exhaust emissions - sealing it off completely would make the car unroadworthy here in Australia - but we have not had any further issues with surging.
  2. Hi - just wanted to let anyone know the outcome of a surging problem we had with our car - we found the fix to be by placing a welsh plug in the EGR pipe (tight fit) with a 8mm hole drilled through the welsh plug - problem solved. Hope this helps other people.
  3. When I go into alter the deactivate door locking on the Trip Computer menu I press the OK button to highlight that item but I cannot change it to activate, the highlighted line just moves down to the next item - I hope Ive explained this so you can understand
  4. Thanks paul.h - yes the same information is in my handbook - Ive been using this function as the automatic door locking wasnt clicking in as it was previously doing. By any chance do you have any ideas regarding my other issue on changing the menu item from deactivation to activation. thanks again for you response.
  5. Hi all - Im new to the forum and have a problem setting this function of my 2006 C5 Citroen. The automatic door locking was working correctly when I purchased the car but the previous owner said the parking assist (rear and front) wasnt so my husband (mechanic) took the boot area back to basics and found one of the sensors not connected - this was connected and now parking assist works great but the auto door locking doesnt. We have tried resetting through the Trip computer to turn deactivation to activation but none of the menu buttons change this option - hence Im driving around in a car that wont automatically lock itself - I can manually lock both front doors with the key but the back doors stay unlocked. Also when I would drive off I would hear a click when the car got up to a certain speed and the doors would automatically lock themselves - this function doesnt work either. Hope someone can help - my husband is quite savvy with anything automatic but not quite up to scratch with todays electronic computers in cars. Thanks again
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