Hello again Paul h. & all, I got all the old a/f out and completely flushed through. I am now having problems refilling. I have followed the so helpful advice given by you, but I am struggling. First issue was a very slow fill, really slow hardly moved, using a big funnel sealed with rag. I did lots of 1) hose squeezing, 2) bleeding the radiator top hose bleed screw and 3) the bleed screw on the heater matrix. But, running the engine up for about half an hour I can't get the top hose to heat up, indicating no circulation of the a/f. I can't tell if the thermostat has opened and I am worried to continue. Should I carry on until its really really hot. The temperature gauge is heating slowly and this bit looks OK to me. Should the a/f circulate even a bit before the thermostat opens? Or does it wait until the thermostat opens. I am concerned that there is air in the block and I don't know where the third bleed screw is - is this supposed to be at the back of the block. I honestly, despite looking for hours, cannot find this third bleed screw. I have been looking from all angles, with a heavy duty torch just had a look in the dark thinking the dark, with torch, might show it but nothing. Is there one on this particular model 92hp? I've been all day on this, started optimistically but really don't know where to go from here. To just clarify I did eventually replace the a/f with approximately 9 litres of the OAT red/water (50/50). The capacity is supposed to be 11. Any leads you can give me would be so helpful and I do realise I am taking up your time. I am not even sure that the manual, which I haven't yet had a chance to order, will cover this as it seems so elusive. Even the citroen technician when I spoke to him the other day about the type of antifreeze to use was vague, in fact they had never heard of OAT. (OAT is recommended by Halfords for my reg number). I asked him about the process but again it was vague, I think probably because the handbook says "see the Agent". Thank you once again.