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About andyb82

  • Birthday 06/15/1982

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  1. after replacing the fuse and discovering the motor had burnt out or seized im finding it incredibly difficult to source a new pump/motor. im also told that the replaceable unit comes with its own ECU and it may not be possible to swap it from car to car with out having citroen Remap the main ECU so they will talk to eachother. does anyone have any experience or knowledge of this and is it possible to simply swap the pumps/motors without changing the ECU ???
  2. hi paul.h. thanks very much for the info about the fuses, I located them and sure enough the corresponding fuse for the suspension pump had blown, I replaced it and smoke appeared from the pump and blew the fuse again, at least now I know I need to replace the pump.. once again thanks for the help
  3. ok thanks, i'll give that a look
  4. hi, I have a 2008 C5 2.0ltr diesel exclusive. the suspension has dropped to its lowest position and wont rise again, the buttons in the car work and they show up on the dashboard display as they should. theres no sign of any fluid leaks. but ive noticed no sound coming from the pump as there usually is as it can be heard when its pumping, ive checked all fuses including the maxi fuses under the main fuse panel. ive tried a few local garages but there diagnostic machines will not show up any faults. ive read somewhere that disconnecting the battery and reconnecting may reset the ECU bringing the pump back to life, will this work?? the LDS fluid level is also correct.. any ideas please !!!!
  5. oh that doesn't sound to serious, hopefully that's the issue.. is it difficult to locate and resolve??? thanks for the feedback
  6. Hi everybody, Once again im having issues with my 2008 C5. After having a new steering box fitted I am unable to set the correct ride height on the suspension, the rear wheels are fine but the front keeps dropping down to its lowest point making road travel almost unbareable,. ive used the controls inside to raise and lower the suspension and this seems to be working correctly, but as soon as the engine is switched off the front end drops, then after starting the car again the front will not correct itself to the correct height, there is very little clearance between the front tyres and wheel arches, The level of LDS fluid is correct and I have been through the sequence of loosening the filler cap to release pressure and then tightening it when its settled, this had not made any difference to the problem... Any help or advice on this issue would be muchly appreciated,. thanks guys
  7. yeah I think ill just stick to the correct oil.. Richard I have the same same issue with my car, citroen wont supply the 0-rings to fix the leak separately you have to buy the complete new pipe and it looks like a major ballache to replace the pipes, ive managed to source some O-rings from Ebay and Im going to fit them today at some point, ill let you know if its a success or not
  8. ive been looking into another option for fixing my power steering leak,, a product called 'Lucas car power steering stop leak repair fluid'. this is apparently guaranteed to stop any leak in the power steering system, I was just wondering if any of you guys have heard of this and weather its likely to work. thanks
  9. if its just a leak on the pipe coupling it should be just a seal kit or 0-ring, this is what the problem is with my car but im finding it very difficult the find the right O-rings for the job. but the oil is quite expensive. if its the same hydraulic system as mine you have to use LDS fluid, 'NOT' the standard LHM mineral based stuff
  10. correction its nearer orange than yellow in colour. sorry my bad !!
  11. Richard is the leak yellow in colour?? if so that is almost certainly power steering/ hydraulic fluid, if you can remove the drivers side front wheel you can look through to see the steering box and rack. two steel pipes go into to the unit and this is where they commonly leak from.
  12. hello, I have similar problem with my C5, initially thinking it was a suspension issue I have traced it back to the steering rack seal.. now I have the problem of getting the seals/O-rings, ive contacted my local citroen dealer and they say they cannot supply the O-rings separately I have to buy the pipes complete amounting to over £200. this is not an option for me as all I need are the O-rings. im aware that I cant use any o-ring as the LDS fluid will destroy them but I am unable to find LDS tolerant O-rings anywhere.. any help or ideas on where I might find some would be greatly appreciated . many thanks..
  13. also I need to correct the details for this topic heading, its a C5 exclusive not elite.. duh!!! sorry
  14. hello,thanks for a quick reply.. my car is the C5 exclusive 2008 2.0 hdi.. yes the doors do autolock after 20 seconds as usual, but before the problem I would unlock the car, get in and drive off and the doors would never lock unless I did it manually.. now when I get in the doors lock as soon as I close the door.. BUT !! if I get in, start the engine before closing the door they will remain unlocked as normal. but if I stop the engine, get out and close the door all the central locking activates and locks, basically any time I open and shut the door without the engine running the doors lock. locking myself out of my car is a real possibility and concern.. as regards to the dash board, before the issue... when I ulock the car using the fob as normal the entire console would illuminate as it does when the engine is running, now when I unlock the car the dashboard is dead until I turn on the ignition,
  15. hello everyone, im new here so not entirely sure how this works.. I hope someone can help as local citroen dealers havnt.. im having problems with my C5 locking itself. normally I unlock the door with the keyfob, the mirrors fold out, the doors unlock and the dash board illuminates ready to start.. now when I unlock, the mirrors fold out the doors open but no dash board start up, when I get in the car and close the door everything locks itself back up and the mirrors fold in, the engine starts and runs normally but I have to manually unlock the doors again when wanting to get out... This is a problem because if I ever leave the car and shut the door without taking the keys with me im instantly locked out. ive tried all kinds of combinations of door locking sequences and also used the spare fob but with no success.. please can someone shed some light on the issue. thanks ,,..
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