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About M0JFK

  • Birthday 10/02/1963

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  • Location
    St Helens, Lancashire.
  • Interests
    Hobbies include off road 4x4, Amateur Radio, RC Model Helicopters, Metal Detecting, Shooting, Caravan Touring and Eating out a lot.

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  1. Thanks Paul...you are a star.
  2. I have here two brand new in the box rear suspension bush rod kits for a Citroen c5 hatchback for a 2004. Was going to put two new ones on even though only one was knocking but before I got the chance to do the job the engine ingested a swirl valve and destroyed the motor beyond economical repair so here are two brand new ones in the boxes going for £40 cash for them both. They normally go for that per side if you get them as a kit. I also have a brand new Tow Bar for a C5 hatchback also up for sale £50 (sorry no electrics just the tow bar with tow ball) I tried to find the for sale section on here but couldn't so hope I am not treading on any toes posting here. Shame to have them sitting here doing nothing when someone on here could use them and get them cheap to boot. Item locations are in St Helens. Just text me back on here if you are interested in the parts.
  3. Update for those looking for this problem like I did just recently. A radio taken from another car will bleep through the speaker over the top of the radio/cd audio. You will either have to take it to the dealer to reprogram it or to a third party radio repair shop who will have the tools required to divorce the radio completely (scrub the vin encoded in it) so a VIN is not required. Or get someone with a Lexia programmer to type in YOUR VIN over the top of the replacement VIN number. I used my Lexia to do this under the Radio Post selection from the Lexia software menu and takes about 5 minutes to do once the tool and software is set up and running.
  4. And by the way I have seen wheels with only two wheel nuts on it so don't take that what I said above as exaggeration...honest two wheel nuts and I have witnessed a so called intelligent person trying to get a 5 gallon drum of oil down the oil dipstick port. And how many female drivers have you seen that indicate left and then go right....only joking there on the indicators to see if I could wind up our female members on here. But straight up on the wheel nuts and oil and they was male by the way.
  5. Imagine the cost to do that coastline and the risk? You know that OBD/CAN BUS is not uniform like it was meant to be. For example my Lexia wont work on a Ford or Vauxhall etc and visa versa for that fact. The MOT station would have to get all the different leads and interfaces, different software and train the staff to operate all the different emporiums software and also run the risk of heavy penalties/compensation should their engineer at the MOT station f..@*k up and fry your ECU and for what? Looking for the odd DPF dodger? I cant see it myself the cost and pitfalls far outweigh trying to nail the odd one or two DPF dodger's. Visual is the only way it will go with DPF under the car ...now if they can slap something up the exhaust like they do with the emissions test then maybe that's the way they will go but that wont ever read the ECU for deleted DPF FAP files. I take on board what you are both saying but even advice on how to change a wheel given on here taken or read the wrong way could lead to injury or failure at the MOT station should the person send it in on MOT day with only three wheel nuts on it instead of four. There is risk in everything in life and it is up to the individual to contemplate those risks and determine for himself or herself if those risks are to be acted upon...your only requirement is to end any advice no matter how simple that job is with a disclaimer. That way people are getting what they came to the site for and you keep the forum viable. I have loved all the information on here given by yourself coastline and Paul but how much more could we have had, had some advice not been removed for fear of repercussions or failed MOT's? Publish and be damned and Disclaimer...covers everything but makes the forum more interesting don't you think?
  6. It Is on the drivers side rear pillar (rear passenger drivers side) on top of the airbag cover...no lights come on it when I activate the alarm so don't think it as anything to do with that Paul...just does nothing, does not make any sounds or bleeps if the thing in the middle is some sort of buzzer...got me stumped and I am usually good with electronics and builds because of my amateur radio hobby but I cant suss what it is. Don't want to start dragging off panels to the ABS and start causing myself more headaches with this car...I like a challenge but don't invite them if you get my drift...lol
  7. Got here a 2.2 HDI C5 2001 and inside at the rear drivers side on the top of the airbag cover is a 3 inch long (rich tea shaped plastic thing) its black, got a separate red and yellow led lite on it and in the middle a kind of sensor the size of a 1 pence piece with a little hole in the middle? Nothing in the driver/owner manual about it so what the hell does it do? Is this common on the executive model or as someone put this thing there at some time in its life? any ideas folks?
  8. I think you should of been more up front and said it was removed because you didn't want to upset your sponsor ECU problem Need Help Call us Now, above on a banner... you little tinker...lol Come on admit it Paul? lol Took me ages do that write up typing with only one finger.
  9. Strange considering it was about removing the DPF warning system in the ECU there was no mention of the actual DPF removal of the filter in the exhaust system. Only the removal of the Filter from the Exhaust will constitute a fail for the mot. The ECU electrical isolation of the warning DPF system is not even detectable at the MOT station...how would they know you have disabled the ECU input unless you told them? Hey oh there yeah go.
  10. Post deleted by moderator
  11. It appears the timing kits available include the GATES belts and I have used these before on my Isuzu Trooper and appear to be good quality belts and often recommended by like minded individuals who do their own DIY mechanics. This alone gives me peace of mind if a GATES is used. But like you said Paul H you cant be to careful can you?
  12. Be interesting to see if they do the timing belt kits too at eurocarcare...very reasonably priced parts but I cant see any kits available for the 2.2hdi on there. Does not mean they don't do them I suppose.
  13. Coastline Taxis PM sent but here is the info for everyone else below. www.eurocarcare.net Tel: 044 (0) 132 257401 and 2 Kits are £ 23.88p a side and that also includes the VAT. British company specialise in French and Italian Parts Cost me with postage for both sides £55 that's the parts and postage 55 stump's. Kits are extremely good quality (should be RRP £75 a side according to their website) and all the bearings and parts are individually sealed/wrapped they are not just lumped together in a box and thrown out.
  14. If your swirl valve actuator tip as snapped off here is what I did to fix it and save a lot of mauling about and brass too. Locate what is left of the stub and drill a 1.5mm Pilot hole down the middle of the plastic stub then screw in a curtain line hook, being careful not to split what is left of the plastic stub...hence the pilot hole. You may have to bend the hook or the loop a bit to the size of the ball joint on the swirl valve flap...you want to size it so it is just a tad smaller than the radius of the ball joint on the swirl flap side so you have to clip it on using long nose pliers, don't have it to big that it is just going to keep popping off the moment you toe the throttle. Fixed and done in 15 minutes.
  15. By the way if you ever need trailing arm bush kit they are cheaper at eurocarcare at £27 quid a pop per side that's with the VAT too. Cheaper than ebuygum.
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