We are hoping that someone can shed some light on a problem we have with a 2007 Citroen Relay 2.2 hDi. It surrounds the starting of the van along with the immobiliser. In the normal start sequence we have the engine management light, vehicle battery, oil light and briefly the immobiliser padlock symbol appear, the latter goes out and then with a final turn of the key the van will start. Our problem surrounds the Engine Management light; on occasions it is dim and flickers, after approximately 2/3 seconds the rev counter needle drops and the immobiliser symbol appears and as a consequence the van will not start. By turning the key on and off, but not engaging the starting motor, eventually the Engine Management light will be bright, the immobiliser symbol will illuminate and then go out, and then the van will start. We would be grateful if someone could help and explain what is going on here, especially with the dim flickering EML.