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  1. Hi i have a 2012 C5 with a 160 bhp 2.0 engine with 77k km on the clock. It drives absolutely perfect except 3 times in the past few weeks while I began moving a severe judder started. This happened when i was moving off and had car clutched i think on all occasions or was in the process of changing gear. Its so rough i immediately switch of the car. The first time i though something serious had happened so was slow to start it. But it was fine on restart each time. its not the kind of judder you'd leave the engine running to investigate. Its going in for a service in the next few days but would love a heads up if any one has any ideas. I originally suspected engine but something clutch/flywheel is my current guess. The clutch isn't slipping though. Regards Mike
  2. Thanks John Car does seem to sit correct. I think it has a service coming up. I found a good Citroen specialist so will get him to have a look. I'm new to the Citroen suspension. Regards Mike
  3. Hi John I'm guessing your previous was a mark 1/2 with Halogen bulbs. I reckon its the Xenons that are doing the dazzling. You might however be right about the height difference between rear and front though i thought their supposedly 'self leveling' would sort that out. Cheers Mike
  4. Hi Folks I'm curious if some of you have this problem...I have a 2012 C5 exclusive saloon since May. Love it so far. My wife drives is occasionally as well. One thing we both noticed over the summer was whenever it got dark we were regularly getting flashed by other drivers that thought we had our full beams on.Its obviously getting worse now as it ets darker earlier and soon i will be driving morning and evening in only darkness. There is no height adjustment on Xenons apparently only automatic levelling. They are brilliant lights especially on country roads but I now find my self driving with by left hand on the stalk ready to flash back other drivers before they get too aggressive..Any of yo had to fix this yet? Regards Mike
  5. This used to happen to me in the wet(pretty scary) when on the move in a 2002 406 with very similar engine set-up though I think this is probably a different problem. If anything affects your vacuum in brake booster this can happen. Its a long time since I worked on it but i rememberer there is a check(one way) valve to maintain vacuum in the booster while engine is off and for repeated braking. If this valve starts leaking you will notice a hard pedal for a while after starting. Its simple to replace . 30 secs seems long though for vacuum recovery. From memory it was easy to pull it out. If you suck on it from booster side nothing should come through.. hope this helps... Mike
  6. Thanks John It did seem both on this forum and on some review sites that the 2008/9 cars had the most faults. This didn't seem to be mileage related either as the reviews were old. Makes sense for new model of any car I suppose.. I agree with your oil change intervals. I've found a local independent Citroen guy so will get it to him shortly. Cheers Mike
  7. Hi I've just joined the forum recently. Im based in Ireland. I've been reading lots of your posts before buying a 2012 160bhp exclusive saloon on 22k miles. Loving it so far. Ran a 406 hdi for nearly 10yrs so was inclined to trust the basic mechanicals. Also hard to move away from the French car comfort. I'm curious as what I should be looking for in terms of preventative maintenance and what issues persist in the 2012 model. Is the steering rack leak still an issue? I saw that some people reckon it might be rust on the input shaft. Are the Tire monitoring valves still corroding? Our roads aren't salted so we might fair better over here. How does the DMF and clutch last in this vehicle? Are people using shorter than recommended oil changes? I'm 20 mins each way motorway each day so hopefully DPF wont be too much of an issue for a good while Any pointer are very welcome.. Thanks Mike
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