Well before trying the dianostic route I checked all the connections and fuses again. This time I found a 5amp fuse on L21 circuit under the bonnet kept blowing. Further investigation on internet found this fuse is for the fan control unit and for the electric cooling pump for the turbo. To cut a long story short when I disconneced the electric pump the fuse would not blow and my cooling fan would cut in and my air conditioning worked, the the problem was with the electric cooling pump. This pump is designed to run for several minutes after the engine stops to pump coolant through the very hot turbo prolonging turbo bearing life. When this pump fails it shorts out causing L21 5amp fuse to blow which in turn stops your cooling fan working and the air conditioning. The c5 1.6 petrol THP uses the same engine as the mini cooper s . BMW did a recall on this electric pump as sometimes it caught fire when it failed this resulted in 89 thousand miniS having this pump replaced with an improved version. Unfortunately Citroen/Peugeot did no recall however on PSA cars its the fuse that blows. So I now know I have a faulty electric pump so I priced a new one from Citroen part number 98 067 907 80 and it costs including vat 198 pounds!!! I then priced the same pump for the mini cooper s part number 11 537 630 368 and it costs including vat 33 pounds and 42 pence. So I ordered the mini version from BMW checked it against the old one before fitting (no difference same manufacturer part numbers etc.) The car is now fixed air con works cooling fan cuts in and I can hear the electric working when the engine stops. And the best bit is it only cost 33 pounds not 180. So if your air con does not work first check if the cooling fan is working then listen if the electric cooling pump operates before getting it regased. Many thanks to everyone who helped me with this fault. Brian50