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  1. skyman


    just looked at all the fuses all ok tested on a meter. the car that it works on is a 04 c3 1.4 petrol. the car it wont work on is a c3 1.4 hdi diesel 16v is there any more software that needs putting in all the updates that came with the two cd's have been put in but still no joy. any help would be appreciated thanks
  2. skyman


    hi guys bought the Lexia diagnostic kit taken ages to get it to load in to my laptop running windows xp tested it on my daughters c3 pluriel 1.4 petrol worked great read the ecu came up with one fault got that sorted. next tried it on my c3 1.4 16v hdi diesel wound not read the ecu kept saying cant communicate with ecu anybody know any reason why it should do this. thanks in advance
  3. skyman


    up date on ecu got a ecu kit of ebay came today 24/8/16 started to take the old one out got to the bsi unit to the right of the battery just lifting it out when spotted some heavy duty fuses under it on lifting it out found a 40 amp maxi fuse had blown. quick trip to halfords new one bought and fitted all put back and hay presto car fired up. so never assume its the ecu till all fuses are found and looked at :D
  4. skyman


    thanks for the advice. Will try the reconditioning route if i can find anybody to do it round Runcorn / Widnes / Warrington
  5. skyman


    hi guys just been told the ecu has gone on my Citroen C3 (FC_) 1.4 16V HDi (90Hp) Diesel are they hard to replace and what parts do i need and could a novices do the job as the garage is looking at £500 to 600 to do the job thanks in advance
  6. hi guys can anybody help got c3 1.4 hdi diesel 2002 got in the car to drive home unlocked car ok key in ignition turn key to start dashboard lights up turn key to start turns over once then all dashboard lights went out now when i put key in turn once no lights. interior light / headlights / hazards / and keyfob locks / unlocks doors all work fine battery full charge so no prob there any help would be of great help. thanks. think it may be the BSI unit are these hard to replace and do i need anything like keys
  7. skyman


    hi i have a CITROEN C3 (FC_) 1.4 16V HDi (90Hp) Diesel when I accelerate the car starts of slow then it feels like a switch has been turned on and the car races of its the same going through all the gears any advice would be very helpful thank you
  8. look at the plastic housing round the inner wheel arch i had a knocking noise and found it to be the plastic hitting the spring just cut out a piece of the plastic wear it was hitting the spring job done
  9. skyman


    hi got this problem just started last week the temp gauge on running normal 3 bars showing then now and again will get 3 beeps and a single red warning at the top of the gauge. not over heating water is between min and max in bottle no water leaks. had a new water sensor not long ago. could it be water pump failing thanks in advance
  10. hi just replaced the front and back suspension on my c3 1.4 16v hdi now getting a squeaking sound from the front and back suspension anybody any idea how to solve it or is there any places i should grease thanks in advance
  11. hi guys i am going to change the anti rollbar bushes on my citroen c3 2002 1.4 16v hdi diesel and trying to find out if i have to take the rollbar of to get the new bushes on. i only ask as the bushes i have bought unlike the normal bushes you just pull open these are solid and was woundering if i have bought the right ones thanks in advance
  12. HI about 3-4 weeks a go I had a problem with the water heat sensor coursing a bleeping and the heat bars going right up to the top for about 4 seconds then i thought i had solved it by going to the main dealers and buying a heat sensor. guess what its back only one thing left to cheque is the wire from the sensor. can anybody tell me where it goes from the sensor or post a diagram/photo so i can see where it goes and maybe I can re-wire the sensor this is the last chance the car is getting: thanks http://citroenC3owners.com/images/smilies/icon_evil.gif
  13. Hi can anybody please tell me where to find the diagnostic socket on a Citroen C3 1.4 16V HDi diesel year: 2002 so I can plug my Lexia 3 into. thanks
  14. problem solved went to main dealers a bought a water heat sensor cost 8 times more than the one i got of ebay so looks like it dose not like aftermarket stuff. ebay £4.00 citroen dealer £32.00 inc rubber ring. at least Dick Turpin had a mask
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