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Everything posted by MariaMB

  1. The car wouldn't communicate before it broke down. God knows why but yea I'll go and check the battery. I don't have a spare key tho so I'll just get it off them and tell them what I'm doing cos they don't seem to be doing anything. Thanks for all your help xx
  2. Hi thanks for the reply. Yes the click sounds like it comes from the engine. The car has done just under 140000. I went down to the garage the other day and had a look under the bonnet. The timing belt didn't appear to be snapped and the car is in ecomode. I keep worrying that it is just the battery but I'm being fobbed off. The car is parked on the street so I can easily access it, do you think I should get the key and test the battery myself??
  3. Hi all I'm new to this club as I've only owned a citroen for 3 weeks. I purchased a 2006 1.6 diesel xsara picasso with a faulty dash display. It was completely blank and it turns out the guy who sold it to me unplugged it to hide the abs, break fluid and engine lights. The diagnostic computer couldn't even communicate with the car. It drove fine and sounded ok but a few nights ago during a 3 point turn it cut out and wouldn't start back up. It wouldn't even turn over, just did one click every time I turned the key. It's now in the garage and I've been told it's either the timing belt or the engine has seized. This just doesn't sound right can it really just die like this??
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