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  1. Right recently had the head gasket done on my car and now all of a sudden im getting warning saying STOP- oil pressure level low. Checked oil on dipstick and reading full? Could it be a faulty switch giving a wrong reading?? Thinking of selling now to be honest might go for a diesel DS3 if theyre any good? Cheap road tax too.
  2. All done! He met me there and job done in under ten minutes so happy days and car is home. Only bad news is I asked about oil leak and he said it looks like the head gasket seal(common apparently)he said doesnt need to be done urgently just keep eye on oil level but he reckons £4-500 estimate to do! Ouch!
  3. Its at a layby at moment. Im a lorry driver so wont get back to my car till about 5.30. Could be worth phoning them up now i suppose .
  4. Thanks for reply. Im going to try get it towed back to my house after work tonight. I dont want to deive it incase it snaps right through . Ive had a quite from a moblile mechanic to come out to my house and do it £58 all in. That reasonable isnt it?
  5. Driving home from work and started getting a tapping or knocking noise coming from under bonnet, i know I have an oil leak slightly so i thought i was low on oil. Well looks like now the belt is just about to snap it has started to snag. How mich are they to buy and is it an easy job for mechanic??
  6. Tried pointing it out with the penci haha
  7. Brilliant thanks for replys. Another thing is reason im asking about oil I think I have a leak somewhere seems to be using alot of oil. I will put a picture up now looks to be like a pipe is kinked if you can see it in photo.
  8. Hi I have a citroen c4 petrol engine 1.4 55plate. Which Total oil is best for it? Cheers!
  9. Hi any idea how to solve this?? I've ordered a new ariel to see if that works but saw online that the antenna base could need replacing? Is this easy enough to do yourself and how much are they? Noticed once that water was actually dripping into the rear passenger light on car ceiling so I'm guessing it's not sealed properly??
  10. No sweat all done it was one of the bulbs after so I've just renewed them both anyway. Luckily some guy pulled beside me to tell me I had no lights whatsoever. I stopped in a Citroen garage on my travel home through England(I'm Welsh) explaining I had a two hour journey left and I was desperate but they didn't want to know anything I thought they would have helped me out. Oh well.
  11. Driving home yesterday and some guy pulled up beside me saying I have no brake lights what so ever. I've been told to buy a new brake light switch. Is it easy enough to change?
  12. Yep tried as the handbook says and still no luck. I'm wondering if the new battery is actually no good??guess il have to try another .
  13. Ouch!!! I've replaced the battery in the key but I've been told because it's been off for a while it could need reprogramming?? I've seen online it can be done quite easy . Has anyone done this or does it have to go to a garage?
  14. I had a new mould on eBay and that's great was cheap too. It's the the actual buttons on the circuit board that are worn so no matter how hard u press they won't work. How much was it to have a new one if don't mind me asking?
  15. My car has to be opened manually by key as the buttons on circuit board inside key are worn so no matter how hard you press the buttons it won't open the car. Any ideas how much to fix this problem? Also I only have the one key so I will probably need to buy a spare to.
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