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  1. Had exactly the same problem on my new vtr+ Garage said it would entail taking out the dash ( two days work ) they ordered the part ( took 1 week ) and fitted it within the two days.Said the had not done the job before so i was a bit concerned, anyway the did a cracking job!! couldnt tell they had removed the dash, climate has been fine ever since.Apparently they have to re gas the system after fitting the new unit,heres hoping this is a complete cure.
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys, think i will leave well alone with this one!!! vibrating seats might not be the best option for staying alert lol
  3. just noticed that under both front seats of my C4 ( 2.0 HDI VTR+ ) it appears to have all the connections and gubbins for the lane alert system!! not trying to be a cheapskate but does anybody ( KFK!!! ) know whether this can be enabled? or if some other equipment is required.Basically i'm thinking of a software fix.
  4. Got my 2.0hdi vtr+ in December ( cost £12,950 on the road, metallic paint road tax for 12 months and registration ) faults so far have been 1, intermittent loud bang/clunk from under car on fast take off ( reported by others on previous posts ) managed to replicate this fault with the technician in the car, he thought it was the suspension! i thought it was the exhaust ( i was right ) adjusting the exhaust cured this. 2, rattle from passenger door ( sounded like the speakers, the had two goes at this as the factory fix had already been done, cured at the second attempt but in doing so have introduced another one that is yet to be fixed.3, the rear suspension creaked from new ( apparently a common problem with this car ) hte garage ordered and fiited a complete new reas suspension ( honestly ) the auto air conditioning will not regulate on the drivers side ( always on hot ) the have ordered a complete new unit, so another trip for that fitting.Still like the car though as its very economical and goes like stink!
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