My 2007 2.2 litre HDI sedan goes into limp home mode (LHM) normally at start up. To fix I turn off engine for approx 25 seconds and this fixes problem for the next couple of start ups (next day say). I have employed Autel diagnostic tool which throws up the following codes: 1351 Preheating relay circuit:Relay controlled and plugs never supplied 0487 Mixer supply position copy signal :EGR throttle opening too low 2100 Motorised throttle control: Short circuit between the wires 2111 Mixer butterfly position copy signal: Butterfly stuck during post operation Looks like a close examination of the mixer butterfly valve needs a good look at. Has anybody had similar problems . Unfortunately living in an area remote from a decent dealership (country side in Tasmania) I don't have expert help close to hand. The car rarely goes into LHM on the move, normally on startup and probably every third startup. Otherwise car performs well. By the way, the warning message is depollution system faulty and speed control faulty. When car doesn't go into LHM, only the depollution warning comes up. Has been like it for 6 months. All input welcome