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  1. hgv1

    C3 Ecu

    hi it was french car spares in stafford tel 07792288983 or 07811317990 the guys name is spencer regards
  2. hgv1

    C3 Ecu

    hi yes you get the ecu plus bsi board that is the one in the glove box with fuses in etc and you get the ignition barrel with key/keys you have to do it right or you can lock the ecu out and it won't work . where are you based ? i will find the number for the breakers for you .there are a few others but they were double or even three times the price this guy charged me
  3. hgv1

    C3 Ecu

    hi i got to from a breaker who breaks french cars .paid £100 which is very good and quite simple to swop over .you have to change the lot so that the immobiliser works etc otherwise you have to get it programmed
  4. hgv1

    C3 Ecu

    the the ecu sorted the temp . i put the full kit on bsi board /ecu and barrel . the ecu kit is from another car and you use them as a donor to replace your own .the radio is the original . whats a lexia? regards
  5. hgv1

    C3 Ecu

    just fitted ecu kit on our c3 everything works but when i switch radio i get a loud beeping through the speakers any ideas
  6. hgv1

    C3 Sx

    think i have made big mistake buying one of these cars the temp was on one bar all way home come to it next morning and turned ignition on went to start engine and fans come on and temp gauge was on full .getting p0115 code .cleard code switch ignition off then back on after few seconds temp gauge goes to full start engine and fans come on . changed temp sensors still same help before i send it to scrap yard
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