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Everything posted by PeteW68

  1. Hi Paul.h, Thanks again for your reply, I will get the wheels/ tyres etc checked out. The car drives smooth as silk up to around 70 but then it starts to creep in and is really noticeable at 80 and beyond...not that I do those speeds often but I suppose you've got try it out 😇
  2. Hi, thanks for your replies, I will check it out tomorrow..... I also have a vibration that goes right through the car and only starts at around 80mph, the steering wheel is solid with no speed wobble, any ideas guys?
  3. Daylight running lamps
  4. Hi everyone, first time on here, just bought a C5 2.0 HDI 160 VTR+NAV saloon...great car looks awesome in white... One of my daylight running bulbs has just gone in the blink and I can't suss out where/how to get it out? It's the normal filament type (not led) and its just underneath the main headlights but can't see or feel the cap to get it out? Can anyone help? Plus, Citroen are quoting £30 each special order!! Bit pricey for a small bulb, are there any alternatives?
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