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  1. I've found the problem (and the ECU). Whilst I was under the car doing an oil change I had a look around and found the Directional Headlamps ECU. It appears that when the clutch was replaced they had indeed disconnected the ECU cable and then failed to reconnect it again. I plugged it back in and the whizzy lights are back. This is good news and means that I can keep the car :) . So, the directional headlamps ECU is in the engine bay, on the near-side, towards the front (near the clutch) and is best accessed from underneath (the connector is on the underside).
  2. I routinely try deactivating and reactivating them in the "Radio Menu" in the hope that they'll come back to life - but no joy yet. Interestingly, before I did the BSI reset, when the Directional Headlamps option was enabled in the "Radio Menu" it would flash up a "Directional Headlamps" error whenever the headlamps were switched on. However, since resetting the BSI the error no longer appears when enabled in the "Radio Menu". I can only assume that resetting the BSI while the Directional Headlamps ECU was not responding has caused the BSI to assume it no longer exists. I've had a look through on the Lexia and the Directional Headlamps options are still enabled.
  3. Hi Coastline - thanks for the quick reply. The steering angle seems to be ok and the comm unit is functioning and talking to the Lexia ok. The Directional Headlamps ECU has "no dialogue" at all with the Lexia. The problem appeared around the time that the clutch was replaced so I'm wondering if some cabling may have been dislodged - or it may simply be that the battery was disconnected and the ECU hasn't come back up??? I've not owned the C5 for very long (having had a trusty and long serving Xantia until recently) so I'm still finding my way around it. Despite a few "issues" (clutch, DMF, trailing arm bearings etc) I'm really liking the car. Be nice to get the whizzy headlamps back though!
  4. Hi, The directional headlamps ecu has stopped working on my 2005 C5 - it no longer communicates with the Lexia and the headlamps don't steer any more. I have tried a BSI reset - but with no luck. Can anyone tell me where the directional headlamps ecu is located? Many thanks, Mark
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