Hi gents, have owned a 2003 2.2 c5 Exclusive Auto for nearly 3 years and been very happy for most of that time, sprinkled with periods of doom and panic as various lights and problems arise. 110k when bought - now135k. These pages have been very informative and helpful, so despite my reluctance to post online (maybe age/generation thing - dont do facebook either), just wanted to say thanks. Problems over the years have been:- diesel additive light on soon after buying , but soon reset itself and never came back so think it was done at last service before I bought it. Cambelt done at same time but no service docs came with car. Fwd droplinks at first MOT - no problems changing Various random headlights - cured with new Xenon lights Speedo underreading then stopped - replaced stepper motor from breakers Recently had problems getting locking wheelbolts off. Started bending key pins so went to local lorry servicing place and they kindly attacked them with heavy duty impact gun which spun them off before I totally destroyed the adaptor. Most recently changed track rod, but when lowered to ground rear would not lower. Front ok but no luck with rear after battery reset or citroenobics. Eventually supported car fully up and played with rear position sensor. Thought it may have over centred in wrong direction. Took out jacks &supports and car came fully down and "hunted" in fully down position - doh. Eventually managed to get car jacked again and repositioned rear sensor to original position. Worked perfectly straight away and ever since. Think the leg must have been over-extended and got stuck. Anyway, still think its the best car I've owned, driven for ride/comfort etc, but always fearful of whats around the next corner. Strange things I've lived/living with:- airbag message on. washer level sensor gave up - couldn't get one anywhere until found one at breakers. Heater display randomly has changed to reading in Fahrenheit. Last time it went back to 'c but dont know how. When it does this - also lose heating backing lights. Once when going round M25 at Heathrow, directly under Airbus on approach, all lights on, engine cut out. Automatic so couldn't just bump restart. Luckily put in neutral and started first turn of key . Stopped at next service, turnoff - turn-on all back to normal. Spooky and not nice. Maybe radio/radar affected. Anyway, thanks again for the help and entertainment and hope I may be able to help in turn. Cheers Keith