Aye John, that's me, but won't be using the C3 towing a tin shed. Been on the Picasso forum for years. It was not a mechanic who fetched the car home, just a recovery firm. The local garage found three fault codes which are presently being dealt with, but the car went at over 60mph today again. Whatever caused this limp mode seems to have cleared itself, just leaving the EML on. From what I can gather, this modern system is not only a pain in the rectum but is highly dangerous. IMHO, there is something far wrong with a system wherebye anyone with some mechanical knowledge can't get a car in a drivable state to reach a garage or home. I also hear stories that if it's the ECU at fault, repair costs could exceed the value of the car???? Surely there must be a way to bye pass these sensors reasonably quickly and without having to carry a computer around. And they call this progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1