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Everything posted by 4rchibald

  1. Economy mode is an algorithm that calculates battery drainage and it takes information from the small module installed on one of battery's terminal. It can't be switched off on X7s, but DiagBox allow to change battery capacity stored in the ECU. Unfortunately capacity stored goes up to 74 AmpH, whereas mine is bigger and Economy Mode appears quite often. Parkesie is right, the longer you drive the lesser chances are to see Economy Mode. Apparently ECU update helps with this issue, but I have not tried it yet.
  2. As I remember correctly, 2.6l is for old type of gearbox, whereas the developed version only needs 1.9. New oil does make a noticeable difference to gear change, but didn't remove whining noise under light load at 30-50MPH, so many C5 X7 owners complain about
  3. I have also experienced this. Car with double glazed windows should be better sound proofed, but I disagree that other cars are better sound proofed. It seems that noise comes from the back of the car. Initially I thought that this is wind noise, but as you stated it goes away on good road surface, so that would suggest poor sound deadening around rear arches. Unfortunately I have not come to checking rear wheel arches yet to see where this noise is coming from.
  4. I'm not visiting forums often enough due to other commitments. You can remove both covers. Plastic cover protects mechanism, whereas aluminium holds the printed board as shown on photos. I still have 4 units, but all untested. Those will be tested this weekend and put for sale.
  5. Main difference is that the tailgate would work with engine running, whereas mine is dead.
  6. Wiring is not externally damages in that area, but this is why I'm trying to check cable continuity. Battery is 6 months old, but it's too big for what Citroen is specifying, but it would not explain why Diagbox does not see the boot ECU.
  7. When I got the car, operation of the motorised boot was intermittent. It worked for some time after a reset of the BSI and stopped working all together after few months. DIagBox does not see any communication with the boot ECU, which as I assume correctly is attached to the motor lift unit. Having a wiring diagram I decided to check cables, but I think there is a problem with the diagram. Could I please therefore ask someone to check wiring diagram for the motorised boot and check connection between grey plug (16V GR - pin 2) and boot ECU (pin 15), as those seems to be incorrect. Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. I suspect it's not the ECO mode as the boot does not connect nor operate in any conditions now. ORGA: 11440 ORT: CJ Estate ABS / asr - yes Engine 2.2 HDI
  8. Is there a "safe" diesel head? I can't even think of any recent petrol engines with non-interference engines. I would say that depending on engine and car speed, repair will require as minimum new valves and guides, but pistons and con rods should be inspected as well.
  9. Sorry: my post refers to X7 model, however fuel consumption provided in the first post looks reasonable. Can I ask what did you expect from a car that weighs between 1800 and 1900 kg and has DPF? My other car, Mondeo IV 2.0 tdci with DPF removed is doing 50-55 MPG on a motorway (70MPH+) so it's not far of C5 which is 150-200kg heavier. If you are looking for fuel economy, why not try Megane 1.5 dci - later models are fitted with 6 speed gearbox and can do 65-70 MPG on a long run and 40+ in town. Mine (5 speed 100BHP) is currently in a region of 42 MPG on 100% town runs. C5 (2.2 HDI) struggles to go above 27 MPG in the same town. No fault codes, new filters and oil, so yours look reasonable. In addition, this is EURO 5 motor so without reprogramming, computer will recognise blocked EGR and will run in limp mode.
  10. Maybe not much of a help, but if your car is fitted with a Hi-Fi system it won't play sound if radio's ECU is set to standard system (no amp)
  11. Yep, same problem here. Whine noise at around 30MPH on 3rd 4th and 4th gear at steady speed. It goes away under acceleration or deceleration.
  12. Anyone should inspect motors if car was built between 2008 and 2011. I will try to send photos on how to open the box as it's easy to break the case. After removal of 3-4 screws (some have 3, some 4 screws) old silicone must be cut out before prying the lid open.
  13. As I found out, it was the N/S motor that failed. Water seeps through the seal and damage the ECU. I was lucky enough to source few extra units, which I am happy to sell at low price to members. Each unit was opened to confirm no water ingress and sealed using professional sealant. I can install it free of charge in Basingstoke. Please also find photos of the damaged unit.
  14. I can only guess that he replaced pins in the connector (black socket on the right hand side). This is old number and those have changed in production several times, so I would not use it to source replacement. I would once again encourage anyone to register this fault. Renault were forced to acknowledge fault in dials installed in Scenics and refunded costs of replacement units,
  15. Whoever is affected and not covered by recall R/2011/032 should notify VOSA using this form. https://forms.vosa.gov.uk/Vsdr/create It will potentially help others and maybe force Citroen to extend recall to other cars. Promised photos attached.
  16. There is a recall of O/S motor which is failing, but Citroen would only agree to replace it on 2009 cars, so anyone with cars not covered by this should report it to DVLA to try influence them to cover other failing units. Replacement units can only be sourced from Citroen. GSF claim to have them, but there are not available. Second hand units are non existent and even if found are going for £110 for 2008-2009 which will fail anyway. I don't know what the problem was in yours, but corrosion of connector is not a common issue, although both units corrode like hell. It is the O/S unit PCB that's failing. Same with mine, connectors are okay, but the unit is gone. I will try to post some photos later
  17. Wiper motor in my X7 also died. Not having enough time to diagnose the problem I left it with Citroen. They claim it's the O/S motor that died. As some probably know, there is a recall covering faulty motors, but only for some cars manufactured in 2009. New motor is £250 (part only), which is rather expensive, so I will check it today. C5 VTR- could you please advise if you meant ribbon connection within the motor?
  18. I have exacly the same problem. First the front wiper went on and would not turn off even if car was locked! Then rear wiper turned on at random. Cruise control would not set the speed (although it would show the system to be on). Oh and rear boot opener would not work, it then started and stopped again. The whole BSI was reset as per manual and it fixed the problem...for about one week. Boot wont lift again, cruise sometimes works and rear wiper and washer goes off at random. I could replace the BSI, but i have no guarantee that this will fix the problem. I owned different cars, including Renault, but having C5 for almost 4 weeks, I must say that I am close to agreeing to all those horror stories of "Citroen lottery" of what will go wrong today.
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