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Everything posted by slugworth1987

  1. Good day! ok so towbar: nothing obvious mechanically is in either socket new fault: after 3 days the battery is weak and struggles to start the car, after 4 days the battery has no juice left to crank the car, by day 5 shes dead, this batttery is only 3 months old...
  2. Update Time. Sorry its been so long wet away and I work 4 on 4 off nights so not alot gets done while im at work. SATNAV!!! all fixed found out... no disc in the machine... found the newest maps on line downloaded and burnt thanks to a GPS forum although it does sometimes tell me that im off map area i think the aerial is dead(amp?) Towbar, yet to find the fuses for it and as its not in the the manual im going to assume this isn't a factory towbar but has been installed after market and has had relevant mods to the ECU/BSI to allow it function correctly (when new) Top light: full of water to the point its swimming so this is I'm going to assume is dead and in need of replacement. ABS: had a friend look at it an agrees the pump is indeed in need of a rebuild/replacement which will happen in due course, never owned a car/bike with it so i don't miss it... Eloys: confirmed "empty" will be topped up as and when i can face spending over £100 on a consumable fluid... thanks or the help so far guys and i hope these posts have been helpful for others
  3. I got this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321680226728?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Works fine on my 2002 HDI 2.2 exclusive FOLLOW THE README LIKE A BIBLE!
  4. Update time!!! Ok so I changed the fuel filter, added some injector cleaner, used some EGR cleaner, did a FAP Regen (Forced) and the car now spins the wheels in 2nd in the wet! perfect! Now has a new timing belt + tensioners, water pump, crank pulley and AUX belt. Ran the diagnostics after the regen and cleared all error codes and went for a 10 min drive to allow the car to accrue fresh data The car seems to have a few phantom faults as per the citreon list i found on google. First off function tests of stalks Wiper stalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHr4NQQCR6g Indicator Stalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0HcjSCdKt8 both work fine! the button on the indicator stalk doesn't do anything though? Pictures: ABS fault http://i.imgur.com/xivQ6uR.jpg ABS ECU Status http://i.imgur.com/bDI6SJi.jpg Anti Pollution Faults - empty? http://i.imgur.com/1gjoyy1.jpg Anti Pollution 2 http://i.imgur.com/HfUQPcz.jpg Nav and Display - shows no faults yet Nav doesn't work? http://i.imgur.com/YULK6U9.jpg Rear sensors - Thinks the trailer is hooked up... I don't own a trailer... but i do have a tow bar http://i.imgur.com/7HdP1De.jpg Rear Sensors 2 http://i.imgur.com/fqo3SPh.jpg
  5. ill get it out and give it a good clean first before i blank it off, need to check the swirl valve on mine aswell so gives me an excuse to pull it apart HAHA!!! thanks for the update!
  6. Mines started doing this aswell
  7. https://youtu.be/EaMUajMyvF0 acceleration video I'm hard on the power at all times
  8. With oem wiring? The fog light relay fir the towbar is on the n/s pocket and uses a 87/87a relay switching between car and towbar fog lights?
  9. Hey Paul Thanks for the reply! Ive fixed the remote fobs (reprogrammed the keys) Stop light i've not looked into, dim lights fixed (corrosion on the connectors), cars booked in for new pulley and timing belt, ABS pump needed (fault code dictates the number 1 valve is not actuating and corresponds to typical ABS issues as the light now comes on at 30mph) NAV works to an extent where the signal is found on Laxia and commnicates with the BSI but no options to set route available? Didn't think the stalk was faulty will look into that. Been reading up on the common fault list and all seem like typical easy fixes, Disabled the alarm to stop the random chirping and this fixed it using Laxia car has started to hunt under light/steady throttle (1750-2000 rpm) but need more time to diagnose (doesn't do this on Cruise Control) thing does need a damn good service the prev. owner didn't maintain it all all!!! so much water in the boot!!! I found an empty relay carrier behind the o/s rear compartment looks like it should house a 30 85 86 87 relay all wires are OEM need a diagram to see what they do... going to replace the fuel filter this week while the car gets its new timing belt, tensioners, water pump, crank pulley and AUX belt Cheers for the reply Paul ill keep you posted!
  10. Name: Citroen C5 Estate Exclusive (2002) Date Added: 10 August 2015 - 03:48 AM Owner: slugworth1987 Short Description: Pierre! http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/uploads/garage_images/image_url-92948-1439174889_thumb.jpgView Vehicle
  11. my 02 with xeons work when the lights are on with every front squirt but on a 2008 no idea :)
  12. Hey guys and gals :) been trawling the forums a while and thought i should join the noble cause and sign up I got me a C5 estate for £600!!! bargain, love it great car with lots of comfort and a sports button!!! History of the car: purchased about 3 weeks ago from a nice couple where the car had been parked up for 2 years with no MOTI drove the car streght to the MOT station for an idea of what it needed, when i got it the cars battery was dead and had tyres of the wrong size on the front axle (205/55/16) these were replaced after its failed MOT. The car failed on ESP + ABS issues, stop light faulty, no fog lights and a bad wiper. The car was fixed enough to pass its MOT but now i want to fix it propperly after falling in love with it. But the car has a few personality flaws i'm not a fan of (issues) all of them electrical because french car :) My Electrical issues: Remote central locking doesnt work on either fob - could be flat batteries but the lock button doesn't do anything in the cab either front and rear parking sensors don't work - rear does make a beep noise when i go into reverse but nothing else fog lights don't work - wired in an AUX light to the towbar to get it through an MOT top stop light doesn't work - covered with gaffa tape for now to pass an MOT rear position lights are really dim alarm doesn't work and crackles randomly (serien in rear arch) sometimes the heater on the PAS side blows hot air only (motor swap in glove box needed but can't find part) rear glass doesn't pop open (solder joint?) ABS + ESP kick up random error codes randomly then go away randomly - diag cable is here just need to plug in Nav doesn't work even though i have the colour screen? Trafficmaster doesn't work but shouts at me now and again radio signal is terrible Trip 1 + 2 system shows random mileage and journey time button on the indicator stalk does nothing? Video works now and again (is that a DVD drive in the drivers glove box?!) rear tail height adjustment switch is broken (needs to be replaced) Mechanical crank pulley is dead - finding prices cam belt needs replacing - finding prices annoying squeak comes from a wheel at random times not sure if bearing or brakes car seems down on power but i have no idea if it really is as i ride bikes and used to bikes that accelerate quickly - replaced air filter this greatly improved the power and car now revs past 3000rpm 70mph can sometimes be a struggle to go past (can hear turbo whine from bonnet possible boost leakage)
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