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  1. Hmm diagnostics are crystal clear nothing stored or anything, il order a maf for the fun of it, mrs works for ecp so cant hurt anyways, thanks paul :)
  2. It feels like its not really making boost but it still revs kind of quick'ish.. its been like it since i brought it 7 months ago :/
  3. Yeah i read.through that ine lastnight its a that hasnt worked for me it drives.no diffrent without the maf.. :(
  4. Hi all i have a swb 03 2.0 hdi and its really really gutless il put my foot down and it will just slowly rev as if im pottering along very occasionally i will get a surge of boost about 4000rpm which when this happends its definatly feels how its meant to go when driving you cant feel any kind of boose unless it decides to give you a hint of what its meant to be doing, ive changed/cut down the vaccume lines as they were perishing/cracking i dont really use the van its just there as a trackday van to take the bike on trackdays. Any faults come to mind? Thinking either turbo or fuel pump?? Cant hear the turbo spool/boost like you can on normal diesel engines...
  5. Hi all I have a 2.0 hdi relay and its purely to take the bike on track days and use the off trip to work to keep it in use its got 148k and the and it doesn't clock miles probably has about 170k on it since it stopped clocking, Anyway took the old girl from home (Woking Surrey) to snetterton the other week drove up one evening its always been a bit funny performance wise I can put my foot down at it goesbut then as I'm about to changre gear say around 4,000rpm i get a load of boost come in and it goes really well but it doesn't always happen and when it doesn't happen I'm not getting that nice amount of boost, anyway stopped at a services to grab dinner on my journey was stopped for about 25/30 mins jumped back on the carriage way and as I was accelerating it was de accelerating then accelerating then backing back off the whole time I had my foot down, for about 20 minutes I toyed about with my throttle positioning flooring it etc nothing changed its mind it continued, was fine on the way home the next day but I can't figure it out, due to work I've not had chance to really look at it although I know the vaccume lines are starting to perish I can't see a form of boost leak although not thoroughly looked, Anyone shed a light? Thanks in advance.
  6. Where can i find drive shaft oil seals?? I want to change bith drive shafts as the cv boits are split but the drive shaft seals dont look good and the box whines like a milk float and its had a 2nd hand box just before i brought it hoping new seals and oil actually in the box will quieten it down topped it up and it helpd, only.does anout 800 miles a year going to track days on the bike...
  7. Is there a actually filling hole google images shows me one but its not a filling holejust a bolt hole. Thanks Dan
  8. Thanks found them.
  9. Ok thats grate so i just need to remove the ply and it should all be there..?
  10. Hi guys just brought my first relay tonight want to use it for motorcycle track days spend a fortune on rental vans, i have a problem its an ex painters van and there are no strapping points in the rear... its been boarded will i find hooks under the board tomorrow wheb its lighy and i can have a look? Thanks in advance.
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