Ok, so we have a Citroen C8 (petrol, 2006). Its been a pretty good family car for the 6 of us and we've just got back from 3 weeks in Europe. Today though we could not get into the car: not by the remote (it doesn't function anyway); nor by either of the door locks. The doors feel 'dead-locked' and the key hits a wall of immovability when you try to turn it on either door. When the car was last locked (having been left unlocked for a few days) the wing mirrors stayed out - they normally retract electronically. I have replaced the key fob battery but to no avail. I'm guessing its either the car battery or a problem with the lock; but I thought a manual unlock did not require a charged battery and if its a lock problem, why both doors? How will we ever get back into our car?