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  1. Okay after checking it out the belt as stripped a couple of teeth, would putting a new belt on be worth it? Or should I get put a replacement head on it?
  2. Thank you! I will be changing the clutch also before putting new engine in Thanks for the advice
  3. Hello, my dads 2006 c3 1.1 has apparently broke its timing belt. He is talking about swapping engines if I confirm the belt has broke and damage as been caused(more than likely) I’m wondering where is the engine code located?
  4. I checked the wires around the radio area, and yes it says it protects exactly what you said. No idea why it would stop the engine from starting though
  5. I had no issues with any of them, few weeks ago it seemed to be when I opened and closed doors. It blew, I changed it. Fine. This time soon as I put a new fuse in it blew, in fact I didn't even get chance to push it all the way in before it blew. Why was it disabling the engine? Made it sound like the fuel pump was on same fuse or something. Soon as it blew, the lights came on, wipers moved without a key in Edit: oh and no, just popped at random.
  6. Hi, no problems with any of them. Not an auto and no controls on steering wheel. No idea on what it is
  7. I have a Citroen c3 hdi 1.6 2003 and the fuse 4(under glovebox keeps blowing. Any help?
  8. Im sure it's the 16v engine
  9. I have a 1.4 hdi c3, can I retro fit cruise control. If so, what are the steps?
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