I have now changed the oil. I followed a step by step i found in a Peugeot forum, but cant seem to find now. I also followed this video. First i drained the oil, approx 2,5 liters. Then i filled in 3 liters of new oil, and went for a short drive, on this short drive, i felt that the transmission was better than before. Than i drained the oil again, and this time i filled in 4 liters of new oil (because that was the amount i had, i figured it would not damage the transmission, and maybe more new oil would be mixed with the old. Than i whent for a drive, and the shifts where noticably harder. I than drained the excess oil from the small drain screw, and put everything back together. I then tried to use lexia to reset the oil wear counter, but i could not figure it out. When i pressed the read button it showed 109110. Does that mean that the oil was las changed at 109110km ago? that the car had done 109110Km when it was changed? When i pressed the write button I had to put in a value. I tried 0, as in changed 0km ago, and then i tried 158000 as in changed at 158000Km. It would not accept either? What to do. When i first opened the smal drain screw approx 0,25 to 0,5 liters drained out. So when i as the last step in the oil change open this screw, will that not mean that now there is 0,25 to 0,5 liters of oil less in the transmission then before i changed the oil? It seemed like the shifts where smoother on the drive after the first oil change where there was approx 0,5 liters more than when i started? It drives ok now. But... Shift from 1 to 2 is smooth as butter 2 to 3 is ok 3 to 4 is maybe a bit less smooth 4 to 5 is a little hard at times, it even gives a small judder in the car. When it changes to 6, it is ok, but when I drive with little enough throttle that it changes to 6 at around 70km/h with allmost no throttle it makes a slight whineing sound, if i give more throttle or just go more than 80km/h the whine dissapears comepletly. Any idea what causes this? Sorry about the long messy post. any answers are apreciated :-)