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  1. My 2litre C4 VTS has had new exhaust fitted but it still sounds as if its blowing the front pipe (by the flexie) has been replaced twice any ideas anyone plus can u fit a USB port into the sound system??
  2. anyone any details on how to realign the slide door?? wide gap at top edge hitting pillar at bottom (by passenger door) plus sticking out at the top by the top lock mech and not far enough in at the middle causing the sensors on the plate to say door open and remote locking not working its a 2012 model
  3. All sorted now blew throu all the tubes tested all connections and suddenly it woke up!! also fixed glovebox handle now heated seat to sort
  4. put air line throu tubes new motor power there screen pump ok poss masking sound of the h/lamp pump
  5. Hi got a C4 coupe VTS with faulty headlamp wash replaced motor fuse ok but still no work wash arms seem free when pulled out by hand anyone any ideas???
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