Hello everybody, This is how I removed the heater matrix on my 1995 Citroen 1.9D Relay van . [1] Remove the lower left and right dashboard panels. [2] Remove the gear lever assembly and moulding. [3] Remove the top centre clock and hazard switch assembly. [4] Remove the centre heater control console. [5] Unclip and remove the two Bowden cables from the heater box. [6] Remove the two rubber heater hoses from inside the engine bay. [7] Remove the bulkhead blanking plate from the heater pipes. [8] Remove all electrical connections from the heater . [9] Remove 3 heater bulkhead mounting bolts from the inside of the van. [10] Remove the gear change cable protector plate from the floor of the van. [11] Jiggle the heater to release it because it has sticky draught seals on the top of it. [12] Move the heater towards the back of the van to clear the pipes from the bulkhead aperture.. [13] You will have to move the heater towards the steering column so as to gain access to the matrix retaining screws. [14] Remove the screw between the two heater pipes which secures the mounting plate to the heater box. [15] Remove the two screws which secure the matrix to the heater box. [16] Remove and replace the matrix and re assemble in reverse order. While you have got the heater control console out, change any blown bulbs. I had a leaking radiator expansion tank which I replaced with a new unit from Citroen @ £36.00. Replace the coolant/antifreeze. Job done to my satisfaction. Total time to do the job , about 5 hours. Please be patient when you start to remove the heater box because you may break some of the plastic parts if you use rough force. The old heater matrix core was corroded badly in one corner near to where the pipe connections enter the matrix.. This was causing the leak. Not bad after 20 years use, a real champion workhorse. Good luck.