Hello, My first post here. I'm from denmark and own a DS3, 1.6e-HDI frmo 2011. I have a quick question about the oil filter in my car: How do i actually change the filter correctly? I have done it once and had a problem with oil leaking when the engine ran. I changed it along with the oil change and everything looked fine, but when i got home i noticed it leaked oil seriously. Here's what i did: 1. unscrew the oil filter and took it out, removed the filter from the cap and discarded it. 2. I put the new filter into the cap and changed the rubber gasket 3. putting it back in trying to make the spigot on the filter go into a hole, but not sure i managed it. And as I remember there were two holes. 4. I missed the torque, which I later noticed on the filter cap, but at that time i had no tools on hand and decided to have the mechanic fix it - they however did recommend/suggest that i unscrewed the filtercap and retightened it. Everything seemed like it was working, no warning lights turned on or anything like that. What would be the correct working order, and should the spigot fit into a hole ?