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  1. A little update. I fitted the suspension pump from a 2004 c5 hdi and reconnected the command wire and multi plug, refilled the lds reservoir and reconnected the battery, started up the car but unfortunately I still have the message 'serious suspension fault'. It's looking like I need lexia involved which I unfortunately do not have nor am I in a position to purchase at the moment. It's probably no use doing a BSI reset but I might try that at the weekend. I'm feeling a bit deflated like the car! I thought I had it cracked when I saw the command wire disconnected but maybe the suspension is 'locked out' or something like that..
  2. Thank you Paul.
  3. Time will tell! With a bit of luck I might find some time to fit the pump this week. I'm itching to get it fitted to see if it works! If it works I will be elated but if not then the car could be on borrowed time.. Will update as soon as I get the pump back in. Incidentally what is the Capacity of the LDS reservoir/system? Thanks for the help.
  4. I think you may have misunderstood me Paul, someone had the suspension pump multi plug removed before I acquired the car, I wasn't familiar with the setup so connected the battery and went through the BSI reset. It was only when I was digging around the pump after checking the fuses that I realised the connector was off the pump. I took the pump off the other day and tested it off a battery and the motor is spinning but I discovered that not only was the multi plug removed but someone had the single 'command' wire disconnected too! I'm going to fit a pump I took out of a 2004 car seeing as I went to the trouble of removing it. Might be a few weeks before I get back at this but at least I seem to be making progress. Thanks for opinions and assistance.
  5. I finally got around to removing the hydraulic pump/bhi unit, a pig of a job when you can't jack the car up. I managed to prise open the bumper and remove the mounting nuts and pipe. I will try fitting another pump but am starting to wonder is my main issue that someone disconnected the multi plug on the ECU above the pump while the battery was connected.. Any advice or opinions welcome? I read a post from a few years ago and the poster said never to remove the multi plug with the battery connected as it will log a serious suspension fault. My car displays this message.. Having gone this far I will try another pump and fingers crossed! It would be a shame to scrap the car as it runs beautifully.
  6. Thanks Paul. I saw a connector plug on the side of the additive tank with two wires in it so I wasn't sure was that a pump or a level indicator. That unit must be faulty. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Not sure whether the fuel is being dosed with the additive but the car flew through its last test emissions wise anyway. I have been driving it away anyway although it seems a bit hard on diesel. Although two wet looking injectors might not be helping that.
  7. I don't think this has the 'accumulator' sphere, unless your model has the hydractive 3+ suspension which has the third spheres on the firmness regulators.
  8. I have a fault in my 2007 1.6 hdi C5 'additive pump open circuit/shorted to ground'.. Does anyone know where the blooming pump is?! Is it in the additive tank itself? I keep getting the dash message 'additive level low', I took down the tank to check and found it was full! Unfortunately my ds150 copy won't allow me to reset the counter. Any help appreciated with this. Thanks.
  9. Problem sorted. I splashed out on some genuine Citroen spheres.. €354! That's euro. This seems to have cured the bouncy suspension. I could have spent €120 on the lizarte spheres again but if they are only going to last another 12 months I felt there was no point. The genuine parts are ridiculously expensive though.. Looks like beans and toast for the month ahead..
  10. I blanked the EGR on my 2007 1.6 HDI with great success. Engine management light is operating correctly too. I was afraid it would stay on. Obviously in my diagnostic check there is a fault 'EGR insufficient airflow' but that was to be expected.
  11. Thanks for the reply Mike. I think this car only has 4 spheres. Is not the hydractive3+ that has the middle sphere front and rear? I'm fairly certain the correct spheres were fitted. I will check the height corrector when I can next week.
  12. Cheers Paul and thanks for the link. I will be lost without the diagrams although I'm 99% sure the pump is the fault.
  13. I recently acquired a 2007 C5 1.6 HDI from an uncle of mine. The car needs a lot of little jobs. It kept cutting out on him but after sticking a new battery in it everything seems ok for me. I put 4 lizarte spheres into the car 12 months ago. Now however the back of the car is extremely bouncy. If you put your foot on the towbar and let go the car springs right back up, no resistance whatsoever and driving along it pitches a lot when you press the brake. My question is, are the rear spheres gone already after only 12 months? It would seem strange if they are. When you get into the car you can hear the pump working and the car rises, I am a little confused! Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
  14. Does anyone know where I might acquire wiring diagrams for a 2.2 HDI C5. I am testing the wiring at the plug entering the hydraulic pump and I have a few lives but I don't know what's doing what. I could probably check my 04 2.0 HDI and cross reference but a diagram would be handy. Any help appreciated.
  15. This evening I decided to see if I could jack up the rear of the car to check if the rear height adjuster was seized.. Unfortunately the car really is sitting at rock bottom and my jack wouldn't fit under it! It seems I will have to get the suspension pump working. It was too cold tonight to stay outside for too long so I will revisit it at the weekend if I get a chance. I must check the wiring on my 2004 2.0hdi for reference before I remove its suspension pump.
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