I've now done about 5000km in my '09 X7 Tourer Exclusive and I find that the vehicle is particularly prone to rocking side to side in any unevenness in the road surface. Occasionally, there is also a different sensation whereby it feels like the rear tyres get caught in a small rut in the tar seal and the rear of the car gets nudged sideways slightly. It can be quite disconcerting, as I've not experienced this to the same level with any other car I've owned, including my XM, CX, BX, DS's and other makes of conventionally sprung vehicles. It really does detract from the whole smooth suspension experience which is the main reason I traded my Passat in on the C5. I've checked tyre pressures, and rotated the tyres (Michelins on front / Pirellis on rear), but what else could be the cause, or is this just a normal characteristic with this model and something I will have to accept? Many thanks.