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Everything posted by Cresco750

  1. I've now done about 5000km in my '09 X7 Tourer Exclusive and I find that the vehicle is particularly prone to rocking side to side in any unevenness in the road surface. Occasionally, there is also a different sensation whereby it feels like the rear tyres get caught in a small rut in the tar seal and the rear of the car gets nudged sideways slightly. It can be quite disconcerting, as I've not experienced this to the same level with any other car I've owned, including my XM, CX, BX, DS's and other makes of conventionally sprung vehicles. It really does detract from the whole smooth suspension experience which is the main reason I traded my Passat in on the C5. I've checked tyre pressures, and rotated the tyres (Michelins on front / Pirellis on rear), but what else could be the cause, or is this just a normal characteristic with this model and something I will have to accept? Many thanks.
  2. I've read other reports where the noise was noted to be coming from the rear of the vehicle, but the noise I'm getting is deffinately from the front end. Still undecided whether I go down the path of adding sound deadening, or just put up with it?
  3. Thanks, I think this is the thread that you're referring to... http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/10660-c5-tourer-road-noise/?hl=%20road%20%20noise It seems like the only effective solution is the installation of a significant amount of sound deadening material?
  4. Having now owned my X7 for a few months I am becomong more and more disappointed by the amount of road noise generated compared to virtually any other similar sized vehicle that I've owned or driven. On a smooth asphalt surface the vehicle is very quiet, and an absolute pleasure to drive, but as soon as the tyres come in contact with the course chip tar surface that is on most of the roads in my part of the world there is a rather loud and unpleasant din. I've read that this is a common complaint, and the fact that it does ride quietly when on smooth surfaces suggests to me that the noise isn't caused by a worn wheel bearing, etc? When I bought the car it had reasonably new Pirelli's on the front and Michelins on the back. Thinking that perhaps it was a bad tyre I rotated them, but this made no difference. Has anyone successfully found a way to significantly reduce this road noise? Adding sound proofing perhaps? Different tyres?
  5. I mean it's long enough to put windows up, listen to radio while I put my tie on / finish my coffee etc before exiting the vehicle 😉. You say that you can get the radio to come back on after it shuts down after ten minutes by leaving the key on; this would suggest that it is still in economy mode, wouldn't it?
  6. Will do. Out of interest, what sort of times do most other X7 owners see?
  7. Thanks for that. Unfortunately my el-cheap-oh multimeter doesn't read down to the decimal place, so it only showed 12v (although I would have thought it may have rounded up to 13v if the actual voltage was I deed 12.7v? Dunno. Anyway, when i changed the battery over I thought I would be clever and keep the circuit powered with a small battery and jumper lead while the main battery was being changed, rather than totally disconnect and do a reset of the BSI. I just did an BSI reset now and it seems to have improved things; the first time the ignition was turned off it took 13 minutes until economy mode activated. However it seems that all subsequent times are back down around the three or four minute mark. It's not the end of the world, and three minutes is plenty long enough to be useful, but it would be interesting to know why it's nowhere near the "up to one hour" that is mentioned in the Handbook?
  8. When I bought my X7 in December I noticed that the battery saving economy mode would activate within two or three minutes after the ignition was switched off. Having read how sensitive these vehicles are to battery voltage I decided to replace the (possibly original?) battery with a new high quality Varta brand battery. Now, the electrics go into economy mode as soon as the engine is switched off. I guess there is the extremely unlikely possibility that the new battery is a dud, but there are no other indications or issues suggesting that this is giving problems? Any other possible causes? I have Lexia but nothing has shown up on that. Thanks.
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