hi i need some advice please if anybody knows about this issue? I have a 2003 xsara 2.0 hdi estate, 128k runs great but I have one or two issues starting, from when I start it from cold, every now and then a beep sound starts and my stop light flashes also the temp needle goes up and down and the temp light comes on, at the same time my radiator fan comes on aswell, this is when the engine is cold so its not overheating, it does this on and off for 20 mins until the engine is at running temp then it goes back to normal, I have been told it could be one of the resistors behind the radiator? if so are the resistors the same as each other so if I buy one and it does not work can I then switch them over? I had a look on youtube but couldn't find much about it. I have another issue when I start the car from cold it sounds lovely, just as a diesel should, but when it warms up there is a knocking/clicking coming from the drivers side towards the bottom of engine, it sounds like one of the pulleys but it does not do this when cold, I been reading up and most people say if its the pulley? it will make the noise when cold also, any ideas? any help would be great thanks