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Everything posted by karlloss69

  1. Thanks Paul.h will give it a proper look over.
  2. Hi.. I have noticed that sometimes my headlights dip so that the beam is only feet in front of the car. I can even put high beams on and that doesn't effect oncoming drivers. Any ideas what's causing this and what the fix might be? Cheers
  3. Just to update. Tried a battery reconnect and a bsi reset. Both did not work so took it to my local dealer hoping it just needed a code re-entering.but no they told me the head unit is U/S and would gladly get one and install it for £400.. sigh.. so I'm trying to find out if I can get it serviced or get one from eBay?
  4. Thanks Paul.h ... I'm going to try the battery disconnect first as I think this was the initial problem. I.e incorrect disconnect reconnect procedure.. if that fails will try a bsi reset.. thanks for all the help much appreciated..
  5. Hi thanks for the reply.. As far as I know it's the original? It's a blaupunkt. I believe the previous owner disconnected the battery and when he reconnected, that's when the issues arrised. I'm thinking it needs to be re-coded might just take it to a criterion service center?
  6. Hi..hoping someone might be able to help. I picked up a 07 C8 Executive yesterday and it came with a radio fault. Basically the radio head unit function buttons don't work other than the power/ volume. The only radio station that works is BBC2.. the control stick works fine and you can change the channel but it will only play for a few seconds before going to static.you can pop a cd in and it will play but you can't eject it?.. also the clock just flashes and you can't set or adjust.. so was wondering if the head unit has had it or is there a factory reset I can do? Thanks
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