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  1. That's exactly what I thought coastlinetaxis. I have now decided to have the thermostat done and leave the DPF if they insist on a forced regen.
  2. paul.h - the eloys fluid was topped up at a garage and they used eloys 176. coastlinetaxis - I cover 60 miles a day 52 of which are all motorway, It was suggested to me before to try what you have suggested, but I never did it as the regeneration process on my C5 is a passive system. I have now booked her in for a DPF replacement and new thermo. The garage I use have told me when they fit the new DPF they will have to force a regen so the ECU has a baseline. I have had a forced regen before and would not be comfortable having another one. Revving a unloaded engine @4,000 rpm for 5-10 minutes, is this correct? does a new DPF need a regen performed?
  3. Thanks for the reply Paul.h I have had no messages in regards to the fuel filler magnets. I measured the temp using a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter. According to the Haynes manual, the thermostat opens at 83 Celsius.
  4. Hi guys, Got an issue with my DPF and was wondering if anyone can provide information and advice. My C5 doesn't seem to regenerating the particle filter when it should do (at 44% full) and seems to wait until I get a beep and a message saying 'risk of particle filter blocking'. The current mileage is 124,500. I have had the DPF cleaned out at 114,000. It was upto 65% by 121,000, I then had a forced regeneration done and it is now blocking again. It is the second time since 12/11/16 I have had the message appear. I will replace the DPF if it needs it but I want to be sure the system is working correctly before I do. When warmed up she sits at a steady 77 Celsius, I always have more than than a quarter of tank of diesel. She is serviced regularly by myself, oil and filter comes out every 6,000 miles. I use Shell Helix Ultra 5-30w APL oil and only put in Shell V-Power Nitro diesel, the slots fluid was tipped up at 114,000. Any help as usual would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hi all, I want to get myself a lexia tool for my 2.0 (138) HDi C5 hatch. I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me the correct one to buy. My C5 is a 57 reg. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. I had been told if I converted I would experience what you have described, the DMF is designed to take the torque from the engine at low revs to make acceleration smoother and to prevent damage to the gearbox that the vibration and forces of the engine torque could cause. It is why I am sticking with a dual mass.
  7. Hi guys, thanks for the replies. My C5 is on a 57 reg(Jan 08) it is a facelift and does have a DMF. I have read up on converting to a solid and spoke to many garages about it, but I am going to stick with a dual mass. My engine code is RHR and she has a self adjusting clutch. It is a 6 speed box.
  8. Hi guys, my beloved C5 needs a clutch and flywheel soon and I was just wondering if the clutch and flywheel have to be the same brand? I can get a Valeo clutch kit and slave cylinder. But I am struggling to find a Valeo flywheel. All I can find on parts stores websites is a LUK flywheel. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  9. I know. Just goes to show that many of the cameras must be turned off following budget cuts. Unfortunately glue didnt not work as the spindle which holds the needle is sheared. I have been looking around for a replacement set of clocks with less mileage than mine but none of the breakers yards have recorded the mileage before removing them and do not know, which is frustrating. I did phone Citroen but the price was simply out of this world £559.95+VAT! Got 2 on the shelf i was told by the guy on the phone. They will stay there forever at that price. I would like to thank everyone for there responses and assistance in helping me with my issue. In the meantime, if anyone on here happens to come across a set of clocks showing less than 114,000 on them, would you please contact me. Thanks.
  10. Been a while since my last post regarding this issue but i have now found the problem. I had to use sat nav to get somewhere recently and noticed that the speed on the sat nav was different to the one being displayed on the speedometer in the car. The speedo in the car was under reading be 9 mph. Which meant that when i was doing 70 on the speedo i was in reality doing 79mph. As i mentioned in an earlier post i usually do 75mph which meant i was doing 84mph. After discovering this i started using the cruise control at 70 and in urban environments not exceed 2,000 rpm before changing gear and my fuel consumption was 47mpg. To correct the speedo i had the system tested using a snap on diagnostic tool which confirmed it was out of sync. The needle had dropped off zero, it was put back on zero and re calibrated and was fine for a week and then dropped again. It was again looked at and the reason it keeps dropping was found. The stepper motor spindle has worn down and is not keeping the needle on zero. So i need a replacement motor or clocks. I can get clocks cheaper than a motor so will do that. Which brings me on to my next question. Is the mileage stored on the clock unit curcuit board or the ECU? I had read some where that if you replace the clocks it will revert to the highest value found on the clocks. E.g ECU shows 113,522k but clocks show 179,865 the clock will round and show 180k. If this correct? Any advice would be very welcomed. Thanks.
  11. Hi all, Been a while since my last post regarding my issue, but I have been doing some digging around in an attempt to find out if the DPF has been removed or blocked off. I was unable to contact the previous owner and the dealer I purchased the car from was no help either. So in a last ditch attempt to find out the problem I took the car to my local Citroen garage who performed a diagnostic and the results were surprising. They have told that the DPF is fine and does not require changing, I was also told that it is not regenerating correctly. They informed me that the cause of this (according to the diagnostic equipment) is the glow plugs, 2 of which are completely faulty. Also the Coolant temperature sensor is not working correctly. This fault was not found by Citroen but by myself as I have noticed since yesterday that the engine is being overcooled when in motion but maintains the correct temperature when stationary which rules out the thermostat and can only be the sensor. All of these would explain my excessive fuel consumption. I have brought 4 new plugs and the sensor. Now I know that the plugs are located at the back of the engine below the EGR Valve and cooler pipe and above the turbo. Access is not great at all and they cannot be seen without the aid of a mirror. I was wondering if there was an easier way of removing and refitting the plugs? Access from below doesn't seem possible due the turbo, pre cat and various of things in the way. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks guys.
  12. Filled up the car with Total fuel today. I averaged 40MPG which was the same as last time. So it appears that i am regularly getting this figure. I also checked the tailpipe and it is caked in black soot, i had quite alot on my finger and some on my hand. I could also feel a thick layer of the soot inside the tailpipe. So either the DPF has been removed, blanked off or is blocked and needs changing.
  13. The Kia i had was a 2003 model. And the offical figure was 32.7MPG. The newer ones gave the figures you found Paul. I have just checked my maintenance book and misread the schedule and is does say to replace at 120,000. Got a quote from Citroen which was £350 inc VAT, 12 month guarantee, fluid replaced and a forced regen. Looked at the exhaust pipe (without a torch as i could'nt find it) and it does look abit black. If the DPF was on its way out i would experience excessive fuel consumption. Not sure of it would be as much as mine though.
  14. Paul, my previous car was a 2 lire petrol Kia Magentis which gave me 33MPG, I only sold it to get a diesel as i have a trip of 50 miles a day to and from work and was putting £50 a week in the Kia. The temperature doesnt drop from 9am/9pm position once warmed up, so it must be fine. I always try to use a fuel brand thats the same as the brand of oil i have used in the engine. When i used Mobil 1 oil, i would fill up with Esso fuel. I used Asda fuel once but the engine seemed to not run as smooth or perform as well on this fuel. It improves alot when using a branded fuel. As i have changed the oil again since the Mobil 1 oil, I will be filling up with Total fuel as i have used Total Quartz fuel economy oil. To summarize the fuels I have used are; Esso, Shell, Shell V-Power Nitro+, BP and ASDA but I only used this brand once and will not be using it again. I changed all filters (Air, fuel, pollen and oil). I have no record of a cambelt change and i know it does not require a replacement until 160,000 miles according to the Citroen maintenance guide. I have no evidence of an engine remap. I know the version of C5 i have should have a DPF on and i am sure it is still on the vehicle. For instance, when started from cold on a cold morning the exhaust smells abit, but when i get to work after a run on the motoroway, it smells much cleaner so clearly the DPF has done a regen. Also, the eloys fluid is due to be replaced @ 120,000 miles. i have been aware of this for sometime now and got a quote from Citroen last week of £340 INC VAT, which to be honest i expecting more as I have been told it could cost as much as £500. The guide does not state a DPF replacement mileage or time frame, but I am sure they are designed to last for the life of the car. I will do the checks you have suggested tomorrow morning when I am checking the glow plugs and report back with the results, I will also check the EGR as I have got to move the cooler pipes and valve out the way to get at the glow plugs. coastline taxis, I reset my trip meter every time I add fuel and calculate my MPG and I am averaging 40MPG.
  15. Based on your input John it seems normal. I must have a dripping injector or maybe 2 dripping injectors. I will be checking the glow plugs saturday morning (weather dependant) to see if they can show some signs of an incorrect spray pattern from any of the injectors. I will let you guys know of the results.
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