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Everything posted by Veratherelay

  1. Fitted a 2nd pump , but was leaking too , ended up stripping that down , replaced the o rings and other o ring and now the dam thing won't start ,
  2. Sorry that should of said do you know if the new pump needs timing up to suit ,as I ve been looking on the internet , some say it does and say it don't , The leak was from bottom , so I tried to reseal it but when I removed bottom plate tiny bit of metal filing dropped out , so put it back together and it doesn't run , so I am guessing pump is scrap , been looking for a cheap 2nd hand unit , but can only find a 2.0 ones the 2.2 ones go for silly money ,
  3. Do you if new pump has to be timed up to suit ? As I think pulley has a key way , so can really only go one way , hopefully Thanks for help
  4. Hi first post , I've noticed I have a fuel leak from the fuel pump, (cp1 Bosch unit) noticed there other threads of striping it , but was wondering is it a timing belt off job to remove pump or is there a way to lock pulley in place ? It's a 2.2 citreon relay Thanks
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