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Everything posted by twoseefives

  1. Hi All, my apologies for not coming back to topic.The day in question I was leaving for the airport at 12.30 so had not time for replies.I gave up and scrambled over the back seat and disconected the battery and left the doors unlocked sod it sort it out in a couple of months after all the battery wont be flat!Got back beginning Feb climbed over rear seat connected battery and ....no problems whatsoever even the clock was the right time??After a couple of days use the tyre pressures needed adjustment but that was it!Major problem since with power steering pipe buts thats another story Fixed anyway(new pipe £600 plus fitting) oh the joys of citroen.
  2. 3.0 hdi tourer how can you disconnect battery and lock all doors???(without breaking anything!)I am stumped.
  3. I,ll hang my head in shame to say I have no idea ,its auto so i would think not.I,ll keep an eye on them to see how quickly they score.
  4. I have drilled discs before with excellent results.Nearly all hiperformance machines have drilled discs check most motorcycles.these are just the rears I will do the fronts later. Past disc drilling resulted in sharper feeling brakes and longer lasting discs particualy on vented ones.
  5. Thanks for reply,all comments noted.I have been looking cars with electronic handbrakes and the majority have badly scored discs when compared to the fronts so something going on here.As alot of pad material uses various metal inclusions i,m wondering if electrolisis is at work here also.Cast iron when cooling causes condensation obviosly if the pad is clamped on the disc no air is present condensation cannot occur but i does occur arround the pad hence the outline.The pad has to rub this rust off this is where the scoring is occuring.I have the ability to drill the discs so will see what happens in another 15000mls
  6. Problem .. brake pedal pulsing and vibration through car when braking.This was traced to rear discs and pads not expensive to change .Have done less than 15000 miles problem has resurfaced On examination the rear discs are badly scored and clear evidence of disc pad outline can be seen on both discs.The car is used most days so whats going on here .Ive told her indoors not to use the handbrake just place in park.It might be me but ive never felt the brakes are up to the performance of the car .I renewed the fronts at the same time they are perfect .Awaiting comments!
  7. Not the rack this time but the ps pipe into the rack .Citroen part no 4014LP price an unbelieveable 550.00 plus vat.Only available as a complete assembly when it is made up of 13 pieces.The failure is a pinhole where the pipe enters the rack.This looks to me like a classic case of electrolysis.Dissimilar metals in close proximity joined by a bracket in a wet enviroment.The new part will be suitably protected.Another design fault Mr Citroen!Oh and also the input shaft is very rusty with no protection surely a simple grease when assembled at the factory would cure this.
  8. Yes though it might require a few oil changes ,but its definately getting better .To many short trips with previous owner maybe!!
  9. Just an update ..since last post done nearly 1000mls and low and behold there is a marked improvement.almost back to normal.Can still jolt when changind down on kickdown but dose not feel like the box is leaving the car.This is not really a surprise as most citroens seem to have the ability to cure or kill themselves .Ive had limp mode issues for over 80000 mls car still reliable just turn ignition off wait 15 sec start up and carry on(when safe to do~..I should say thorough servicing on essentials is very important. I think we panic to much when a light comes on panic only when it wont start or stop...
  10. Thanks for reply ..have used the car and it appears that if driven hard on kickdown its trying to change down 2 gears and it feels like its jamming the intermediate change ie 4 3 2 ..3 not releasing tried 543 and other combinations just the same...in snow mode no problem ,i assume torque limits on changes are different and i,m wondering if kickdown could be eliminated in computer reprogram,at least for time being. Im going to put some miles on it to see if its self cures or dies!! Really impressed with 2.0 am compared to 2.2 al box i know my 2 .2 could be tired 205000mls but even so.....
  11. IF Possible!! so youve never had a siezed h brake, can depend where the car is left only a suggestion from experience over the years
  12. havent you got anyone you trust to start it and give it a run every week.otherwise put more air in tyres and if poss leave hand brake off and disconnect battery have a good holidy sort probs when you get back!!
  13. Thanks coastline ,will have further investigations.On a real unhappy note have found a weeping hydraulic pipe !!I think part no.5270RN 300 quid ouch ! I,m going to keep lds topped up see how bad it is.I seem to be plagued with pipe probs changed all the engine water pipes on my 3.0 hdi they were badly corroded 30000mls ,main hydraulic pipe front to rear axle an epic job on my 2.2 slug only part left on the car was the front passenger wheel!!
  14. Hi all.for my sins just bought another c5 2.0hdi auto 90000 mls.now own 3!!Problem is with gearbox .vicious clunk on kickdown,almost like going in to park mode before changing down then goes through gears properly,no difference whether hot or cold.Only happens with kickdown.Have changed fluid .no difference,any ideas much appreciated.
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