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  1. I would suggest you take the power/earth feeds from elsewhere in the car, ciggy lighter etc and forget the cars ISO power plug, you should then be able to use the cars speaker plug with no problem. Either that or buy a Canbus interface, but thats the dearer option. PSA cars can be a royal pain in this regard!
  2. Personally I think its a great idea, and change your oil at least twice as often as Citroen suggest for this engine, if you change it every say 6k it will live far longer, but every 9k (I think they say 18k miles max) is good. The last time I bought a brand new car the service interval was every 18k miles, changed it myself every 6k instead and it performed and sounded like new 3 years and stacks of miles later. Service intervals are for fleet users, not private buyers using their hard earned and looking to keep it for several years. My mums DS3 VTi still sounds like new following that regime and they are known for noisy timing chains. Buy your oil online to the right spec (way cheaper) crucial for the 1.6 HDi and get dealer/manufacturer filters just in case of warranty claims.
  3. Thanks both, the rear suspension issue is sorted now, the link rod was installed incorrectly, if you were talking about an old dizzy you would say it was 180 degrees out, now it works fine correctly installed, someone has been in there before who didnt know these cars I think! I dont have a primer bulb I have the bosch system but the prime pump does fill the filter with noticable pressure, it has been behaving itself since I havent been dropping the suspension to low every switch off, as per above issue...weird! I will see how it goes, the only thing I have done since is take off the pressure reg from the hp pump, clean and lube, drop some archoil in to the HP pump and try again, still wont start right on low mode though. God these things are complex I want my Xantia back!!
  4. Hi all, I have introduced myself in the new member section but I am having some problems with my C5 that I am hoping to get some advice on. A bit of background, its a 2004 Series 1 VTR, 2.0 110bhp manual with 189k miles on the clock and it has had a hard life. Before I could even use it I had to fit new front caliper, pads, radiator, thermostat (bad silicon job was leaking!) drop links (nearside front was MISSING!) fix a return leak on the front strut and god knows what else. Now when the car is running, its great, no smoke and the power its supposed to have. When I changed the fuel filter it was appalling, full of junk and crap but new fitted, some injector cleaner and it runs great, however, I have starting issues. It has had new cam and crank sensors purely because my brother in law had them left over from a previous car but it seems to be a fuel issue, hot or cold it cranks for too long. It cranks very quick and the battery and starter are sound. I do not have anyone local with Lexia and even the RAC man couldn't get live data from it! Any ideas? Are there any sensors I can clean, fuel pressure regulators etc? Also I have a problem with the rear suspension. It wont go up to high, the ride is smooth and soft in normal use it just wont go up, it will go down to service low and will return to normal quickly. However when on normal, it will cycle up and down an inch or 2 every few seconds, engine on or off. Very annoying! If anyone can shed any light I would be very grateful, I like the car alot and I would like to have it as well as it can be for its miles!
  5. Hi all, new member here although I have often found your forum while googling my latest conundrum! Not entirely new to Citroens or indeed Peugeots either, had a fair few over the years but my latest acquisition has me stumped! Currently driving a 2004 C5 2.0 HDi Vtr, although some previous include a BX 16, Xantia 1.8 16v Forte, C5 2.0 SX and maybe a couple more I cant remember! I have a thing for the Hydraulic Cits but unfortunately with a young family I cant stretch to my dream SM or CX Turbo! The main reason for joining though is that I am currently having a few issues that are more annoying than anything, although the car has done 189K miles and actually still does pretty well for itself, I am based in Hinckley and I am up for owners meets, fix it days or whatever, I am reasonably handy with the spanners so always willing to lend a hand with mechanical stuff, cant really do electronics though ! Catch you all around, Alex.
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