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  1. Thanks that drove me nuts lol, not even in the manual More the fact I couldn't find it as opposed to using that much Wiper stalk it's was!
  2. Ok I give it a go, weird how nothing in the manual states what to do, thanks
  3. Silly question, but display used to show distance for fuel left but seems to have disappeared , anyone know how to find it, not in the manual from what I could see
  4. Am I sad enjoying this thread? You better fix it now
  5. Emanualonline is very poor, eBay better option perhaps
  6. There is a pump repair kit available online somewhere
  7. Main vehicle , bump start? Will it start with easy start? These have problems with pumps sucking in air on start up , diesel leaks a few moments more so in cold
  8. You need to add some comas etc I can almost work out what your saying
  9. Heres what i was meaning to post mirror with temp probe and the air con wiring diagram AC Wiring.pdf mirror dispatch.pdf
  10. Here is some information may come in useful to others, i noticed theres no download section on this forum would be nice if possible actuallt this isnt the file for aircon i mixed it up but i upload this for you anyway covers many vehicles for timing setup timing dispatch.pdf
  11. You can say that again , I seen the prices of everything else , temp sensor ten quid , funny place they put it, I just started noticing it on all the newer Citroen's drivers mirrors
  12. Ok update hopefully will help others Sensor on wing mirror measures outside temperature, allows compressor to engage around 8degrees , problem was mine is measuring -4 when it should read 6 so AC won't switch on until temp goes quite high It is normal for AC to not switch on when temp is low but not when real temp example is 10degrees and sensor is reading 2 Anyhow I have some technical specs I will try and put up here for anyone to use as this setup is across a range of newer citroens
  13. Yes I can check those quite easily will check them I have access to latest snapon diagnostics and lexia no codes present Gas levels checked and ok
  14. Hi new to the forum but here goes So compressor does not engage Manually powered it will Not low on gas and not to much either Both fans working Bsi module tested and told it's OK BSM engine module swapped No codes Anyone have a wiring diagram? Havnt tried a new control yet Or the hedghog resistor which I believe is different from non AC versions having 4/5 pins could it be at fault Have tried increasing temp to outside temp sensor as someone said could be measuring to low so won't engage Wiring from compressor to engine fuse box all good Where to start next ?
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