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  1. C5 1.6 Tourer (2010). My 'dial is also stuck at 21 - same side as the photo, right hand / side control know - which is the drivers side (in uk). I also do not think that the numbers correspond to degrees - but the issue for me lately has been having to put up with one side set to Hi (max - the one above 28) to compensate for the cooler air being vented on the drivers side. Have had to close all vents on drivers side and having to rely on the passenger side to heat entire car - In Scotland, winter temperatures have been below freezing most days these past 2 months (-5 or -7 is usual). Also causing issues with steaming windows / fogging due to only half the system working. Nothing seems to work - local Citroen dealer is unhelpful / clueless / not bothered. Has anyone any idea what is going on here ?
  2. I like the idea of the solar chargers. I have an old 1994 Chevrolet Astro Van that I take on extended camping trips - would be ideal when away & no power - thanks for the tip.
  3. Fitted new battery. I went for Yuasa 096 Black Lifetime Guarantee in the hope of avoiding future battery issues. (http://www.yuasa.co.uk/2015/10/halfords-launches-the-new-yuasa-black-lifetime-guarantee-range/). Problem solved. Also changed key fob batteries in both keys. Problem sorted. Thanks very much for your help & information. Gave me some focus and glad it was the obvious, but never though so at the time. Everything fine & dandy. Cheers.
  4. Hi Guys, thanks for your replies,.....really appreciated. Have tried a number of 'fixes' this morning - nothing happening. Thinking about the circumstances, I am hoping it is the battery. Away to get a new battery and see how i get on. The car has run perfectly since I got it, some 5 years ago. I think I last changed the battery about 1 year into ownership and it has been pretty cold up here lately (west lothian, central scotland) - was well below freezing last night and still not far above zero at the moment. Fingers crossed it is just battery - will update, cheers.
  5. Hi Paul, thanks very much for your reply. The engine does not turn over - the alarm sounds and will not go off ? (does this mean that there is power in the battery). I went to get spare key fob - same thing. The fob produces absolutely no response - neither fob. I can unlock the door manually using key. The alarm goes off. Key in ignition does nothing - no lights, no turn over, no turning off alarm = totally unresponsive using both key fobs. seems strange that both key fobs not working ? Called Citroen dealer earlier this afternoon - not very helpful, just was advised to get car to them, which is not easy. Cannot even lower the window as nothing works (apart from the alarm). I may try disconnecting the battery tomorrow, when daylight, and try resetting the keys as you suggest.
  6. Hi, recently returned from a 10 day holiday. Neither key fobs will open doors as normal. Can manually open door by inserting key in lock. Then alarm goes off and i cannot get alarm to stop. Car will not start. Nothing happens when I put keys in ignition and try and start. No lights etc - just alarm ? What is the problem ? How do i fix ? Any suggestions appreciated - pretty sure this must have happenned to someone before. Cant find anything similar on forum ? regards. C. 2010 C5 1.6.
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