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  1. Hi Having problem with airbag warning light . I turn ignition on, airbag light comes on, dash goes through check sequence airbag light goes off. Then a second later airbag warning light comes on again, and stays on. mot failure so needs sorting out. Van only has airbag on drivers side (rhd). all lights and horn working. thanks for looking. rgds .disco duck :)
  2. Hi looking for EGR valve I think I have found it at left hand side above rocker box cover near bulk head connected to 2 silver coloured pipes. Looks a bit like part of a trombone.lol.Vacume pipe goes to the end of it. Have I found it. rgds.dd
  3. The CFG 1 2 3 Refer to service intervals. rgds.dd
  4. Hello AntoLevo could you tell me if the above instructions worked regarding resetting the service interval? Tried it on my 05 2.2 relay but all I get if following the instructions is the letters CFG1, when pressed again it goes to CFG2 and on the next push CFG3 returning to CFG1 and so on. What does the CFG meen? Rgds.dd P'S.the spanner symbol is displayed at the same time.
  5. Have you had the pads out as sometimes a bit of rust/gravel will find its way in. Also check pads are not de laminating. rgds.dd
  6. Hi first post hope someone finds it of help. Drained gearbox then removed n/s driveshaft to replace outer rubber boot . New drive shaft seal fitted all back together . Came to find filler plug, could not find it but found this site instead. :rolleyes: Gleaned that there is a breather pipe on top of gearbox that is used to fill her up. Removed air filter box and intake and output pipes. then the water drain pipe (black rubber) that is held in a clamp right above the breath/filler, just pull the open end forward and twist out of the way towards fuel filter. Get a good torch shine down where drain pipe was but slightly back look for black plastic cap 3/4" wide next to gear linkage. THATS IT :) Get a hold of it and give a gentle pull cap comes off leaving about 1.5" of tube stuck up . I used an old white plastic tap shower pipe about 2ft long 1/2" wide push one end into the breather/filler an 1" or so and push a funnel into the other end and tye rap onto the bonnet stay. Halfords £10 per can of GL-4 75w80 2.7lts+-0.3lts so tipped the lot in. :unsure: nice and steady does it. PUT BREATHER CAP BACK ON. :blink: Just got a couple of jubilee clips to replace the throw away ones fitted as standard and replace the 3 rubber bobbins under the air filter. £7.80 off e bay. rgds.dd
  7. Hi First off I would like to say thank you all for this site. Found it while looking for info on the Citroen Relay. rgds.dd
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