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  1. Ye 12£ wasnt bad atall ive got a few manuals from other cars ive messed with. Who knows in a few years i might have a good colle tion lol. The haynes said about dropping the engine and box to the ground and taking out from underneath the car but i have a big enough engine hoist to have lifted it straight up and out.. It was simpler than id imagened.. Only things i needed to move to get it out was the weight thing on the gear box where the selecter wires clip on and also inlet manifold i did have all the oxzileries off such as the alternater and its bracket to streamline the engine for taking it out other than that was simple out and back in...
  2. Well i bit the bullet and got one from halfords with my trade card.. Was only about 12£ and engines all done and swapped over... Was fun so untill next time thanks for the help guys
  3. Right sod it heads off there is 2 smashed valves one of witch was imbedded into the piston stem first plus 2 of the pistons are a bit off a mess and 2 spark plugs smashed to bits lol... So am going with the first reply and off to pick up an engine tomorrow £170 60k miles and complete. No point in putting that money into a 110k engine just isnt worth it... Sooo has anyone got any tips on pulling the engine out I Have got an engine hoist luckely.. Am Guessing it will be engine and box out as one so shafts will need to come out. Just never done am engine swap on a fromt wheel drive car before. Any tips please. And there will be the old engine if anyone needs any bits from it
  4. Also. If i do go for an engine replacement i know its a tu3 but there are different ones going by what i see online.. How do i identify my one to know exactly what one to replace with.. Mines the 8v 1360cc one. Engine code on log starts fsg if that helps
  5. Hi thanks for the link to timing have had a read and is quite interesting but timing isnt my issue at the mo im looking more for torque figures for the head and all connecting parts... Also was after a download of the manual was hoping someone had a link to one online so i could download and keep... Was trying to avoide going down the paying route if i dont have to.. I am considering just changing the engine like previously suggested by one poster but even doing that id still need to get hold of a manual to know torque figures for reconnecting of parts ie clutch gearbox and so on... Or doesanyone have one second hand they would sell ?
  6. Ye i realise they are cheap didnt realise they was that cheap tho thats quite good... It is an option i guess but where i live i cant really be pulling engines out of cars.. I guess its all pros and cons really.. I might see if i can use someones garage. Are engine swaps on these easy ?
  7. Hi guys have a 2003 citroen c3 1.4 petrol manual The cambelt has lost 2 teeth and has jumped and put timing out.. However taking out the sparkplug from cylinder 1 it seems that the piston has hit the spark plug as the bottom of the spark plug is a bent mess...all other spark plugs are fine.. Im going to strip the head down but am guessing there will be a bent valve amongst other damage and am hoping the piston isnt screwed anyhows can anyone send me a link to a work manual or email me one stephend161@gmail.com The car isnt my daily driver or anything like that just something im learning on so any help or info will be great... A new head seems to be a few hundred on ebay so am hoping to just replace the parts needed within the head rather than the whole head. Thanks 😬ðŸ‘ðŸ»
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