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  1. Brilliant!! I really appreciate your help!! Thanks so much
  2. Yeah my SX is a great engine just the clutch that's starting to slip now lol Is this the turbo I would need for it tho? https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/182085741748
  3. Yeah that's right the VIN is VF7AFRHZA..... Does that make it a 16v then?
  4. Engine code on the V5 shows DYLA code at the start of that helps any?
  5. I'm not sure tbh! It's the 110bhp engine Reg is SN02DFF I thought they were all 16v engines tbh
  6. Hi folks I have two Citroen synergies. An SX and an LX model. The SX I use as a daily cheap runner and the LX I've just bought for taking on a banger rally stag doo to Monte Carlo. My problem is the turbo has gone on the LX it's the 2.0 HDI engine and I was wondering where the cheapest place to get another turbo for it was or if the turbo was used in any other Citroen engine that I can hunt down a second hand one for? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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