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  1. hi again;) as mentioned in a previous post i have just replaced the springs on my wofes c3 1.4 desire. However during the process i nadvertantly pulled the driveshafts out enough for the gearbox oil to leak out. oooops ok i said i will just top it up slight snag tho how or where do you fill it up/ the picture in the haynes manual doesnt match the gearbox on the car i removed the wheel archliner and this i s what isaw a pressed metal dish type panel with indentations on held on by 3 bolts to the right ( rear of car) i can see what appears to be the drain plug but how is the damn thing filled? any helpwould be very much apreciated indeed!!! cheers in advance Graham
  2. my wifes did this today too a 54 plate with 27k on the clock will be ringing the stealer first thing!!! thanks for the info mossop
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