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Everything posted by icelolly

  1. Subject closed due to lask of interest
  2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C50PdT6U7mY This link will give an idea of what the parts look like. This installation doesnt show the use of the rear bracket assembly which my plastic screen attatches to. The first part of the video shows the main cowl and the flat trim part which are two of the bits required.
  3. Yes i'm willing to do that. This is a C3 picasso 64 plate so is this thread in the right section? The Garmin 2519 is a 5" unit that has a nice flat screen and is very good at displaying with sunlight on it. This sat nav unit is smaller than the rectangular gap in the Citroen sat nav spare part where the Emyway unit would fit. An adapter will have to be made that basically sits behind the new citroen moulding and is fixed in place by securing it to the rear part of the conversion kit. The parts that are needed from citroen are 3 parts. The main moulding that has the large rectangular space--a rear bracket that the original myway would be bolted to ----and a small plate that basicaly clicks in place simply to cover all the screws and has a hole for the fragrance diffuser. These parts are about £73 all in from a Citroen dealer.
  4. I have fitted a garmin nuvi 2519 lm to my c3 picasso exclusive using the same parts that are supplied with the factory fit Emyway. The unit looks as if were factory fitted and works faultlessly. It powers up with the ignition and shuts down with power off. Lifetime maps are included and from what i read is def the way to go instead of buying a factory fit option. Cost--£200 all in! Doug
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