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Everything posted by nagy592

  1. So. Secondhand gearbox in. I drove for a quick and gentle test, smooth shift up, down like a dream. As soon the oil temperature climbed I drained and surprisingly only 2.4 liter came out. Hmmm what should I do. Check the oil refill procedure again and then I refilled with 3.5 liters. heated up check level and drain about 800 ml. Car drives like dream... until heavy traffic. I stopped by a red light than a short intense grubbing and no forward drive until 3000rpm then sudden start. Next time I tried to start in manual position and shift up to second gear, that was slightly better but still far from good. Quick oil change (burned smell) refill 3.5 liters worm up, drained about the same amount as earlier. smooth drive (Lexia on) until gearbox oil temperature increased over 90 degC then same symptoms as earlier. Oil change again refill 3.0 liters worm up and this time I stopped the engine for check the level. Approximately 500 ml drained and the car become perfect. Two days on now and did not missed the beat smooth shift up and down, manual shift is perfect up and down, kickdown fine shifting speed is slightly lower that the first time with the original oil. Is anyone have any comment on this? It seems I filled 2.5 liters to the box when it works fine. Is it possibly right?
  2. Thanks for that Paul, I went to check the numbers and a very slight difference (in every component including color) so I'm convinced the suggested (Total) oil wouldn't be the right one. Finally I found the local distributor for Mobil ATF LT 71141, but they only selling in 20 L container. Bad luck.... but still cheaper than the 6 liters from the dealership... and presumably this is the right one.
  3. Hi All just checking if anyone used Total Fluidmatic MV LV recently as all discussion about this topic is about 5 years old. I going to replace my gearbox as the original had some fundamental problem which caused a sudden death of the box (large amount of metal filing on the magnets in the hydraulic bloc cover). I found a same gearbox second hand with less mileage than my one (140k ish...) and I want to change oil in it before I put it back. I asked the dealership for ATF, they gave me a price which was ridiculous (also the information about that oil was simply "genuine", no brand industry standard etc). So I called the local Total distributor who suggested to use the Fluidmatic MV LV as that is the one for my 2003 C5. Any comment would be helpful TOT_FLUIDMATIC-MV-LV-0913.pdf
  4. Hi Sheldon I just took my one for a Hydraulic specialist (in New Zealand) and they replaced the flexible section on the HP line for a very reasonable price within a couple of hours. The other one just clamped on the metal pipe as not much pressure in it, but needs to be firmly secured.
  5. I'm in the middle of swapping the gearbox, I found a few issues and ended up to drain some lds (power steering hose was pretty wet-solved) and seemed to be a good time for a bit of "extensive maintenance". where is the anti sink valve? is it repairable? Probably dumb questions but I never heard about this. The car will be on the hoist for a while so I think I've got time to check a couple of things including engine oil leaks etc... So I would much appreciated if you could pointing me to the right direction with this valve.
  6. Hi Dave I know years gone but how did you go with the gearbox swap? I'm just started the journey. My number is 20TP94.
  7. quick update, new gaiters on, passenger side started to dripping (possibly I snapped with the clamp, or just mispositioned) but stopped dropping the level.... anyway my auto gearbox gave up eventually so I'm on a hunt for a replacement. so I going to join to another topic if I found it ...
  8. Thanks Paul, i'll do it on the newt week so I keep you posted.
  9. Thanks Paul, I read a couple of tread about the rear suspension, also I replaced the gaiter already as both was quite neglected so I have a bit of overview on this part of the car now. As the problem is still present I was thinking to take the chance and try to replace the internal seals. I hope I'll get seals locally, taking sample to the hydraulic specialist as the dealership has a ridiculous price and lead time to supply it in New Zealand. You mentioned somewhere it is not consequently success can you tell me what why? Did you noticed any wear on the surface of the piston? Did you tried to restore the surface? Anyway I'll share the result.... once I have..
  10. Hi All I have some recently developed issue with my 2003 2.0 Hdi C5 SX Estate. It started to lower itself when I parked up. It takes a couple of hours to be visible, mainly on the rear but probably on the front as well but that is not significant. I'm not sure if there any link but I had some suspension issue since I bought it last July. When the steering wheel is approximately halfway to one direction (when the car stationery and the engine is on) the level on the front moved up and down frequently. that was annoying but easy to avoid. I also have a broken level switch in the boot. Back to the "new" problem, when I open the door or unlock the car with the remote the pump starts and bring the car up to the normal level. What I checked, oil level in the reservoir, OK, no leakage visible under the car. I just going to check with the Lexia, but I don't think it will show anything. I'll let you know anyway. Is there anyone experienced similar problem, any solution for it? All input would be appreciated. Cheers
  11. Name: Citroen C5 SX Estate (2003) Date Added: 10 April 2017 - 10:49 AM Owner: nagy592 Short Description: My daily ride, I used to have an XM and a GSA decades ago. I love my C5 even it surprise me with funny acts... http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/uploads/garage_images/image_url-94392-1491783903_thumb.jpg View Vehicle
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